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Actualité Covid-19


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il y a 19 minutes, RaHaN a dit :

Vous l'attendiez tous ! Il est là, et il est en forme !


C'est le fils de Raël ? :huh:

il y a 6 minutes, Hayek's plosive a dit :
La filsdeputerie du jour de nos fumiers de fonctionnaires.


Tu parles des facteurs ou de leur management ? Parce que dans l'article que tu cites, on apprend que leur direction n'a rien mis en place pour les protéger (pas de masques, gants ou gels... juste des lingettes périmées). On peut comprendre qu'ils râlent. Par comparaison, voilà comment ça se passe dans une entreprise du XXIe siècle :


Il y a 7 heures, Prouic a dit :

BannièreChers clients,

Tout comme vous, nous nous adaptons en temps réel à l'évolution de la situation. Nous revoyons l'ensemble de nos procédures plusieurs fois par jour pour les modifier en fonction d'un seul et unique critère : la sécurité de nos clients et de nos collaborateurs.

Dans ce cadre, afin de vous protéger et de protéger nos équipes, nous avons équipé tous nos livreurs de masques FFP3 ainsi que de gants à usage unique et de solutions hydroalcooliques.



@TODA Bof, ce sont vraiment des amateurs chez Le Media. Liborg a eu l'exclusivité et l'intégralité de la vidéo il y a presque une semaine ?



  • Yea 2
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On attend de voir...


GM and Ford in White House talks to make ventilators for pandemic patients


Discussions under way about use of vacant car factories to produce medical equipment

General Motors and Ford are in talks with the White House about using vacant car factories to manufacture breathing equipment to help the US tackle the growing number of coronavirus cases, the companies said on Wednesday.


The discussions, which echo talks in Britain between the government and carmakers about ventilator production, show the lengths governments are going to in order to secure or manufacture sufficient devices to treat the most seriously ill, as the number of cases continues to balloon worldwide.


Some carmakers have questioned whether their plants would be suitable to produce such equipment, given the requirements of medical precision, as well as the need to obtain certification to produce such instruments.


Ford said it stood ready “to help the administration in any way we can . . . We have had preliminary talks with the US government and are looking into the feasibility”.


The move comes hours after GM and Ford, along with Fiat Chrysler, announced an unprecedented shutdown of all North American facilities in an effort to contain the spread of the disease.


“[GM chief executive] Mary Barra was in contact with the administration today to provide an update on the decision to suspend production,” said a GM spokesman.


“She also indicated GM is working to help find solutions for the nation during this difficult time and has offered to help, and we are already studying how we can potentially support production of medical equipment like ventilators.”


Ms Barra’s statement follows comments by Larry Kudlow, the director of the National Economic Council, that he had spoken to the heads of two of the big three US carmakers, and they were willing to offer their plants for production of breathing apparatus.


In an interview on Fox News, he even suggested that workers might make the equipment “on a voluntary basis for civic and patriotic reasons”.


The UAW, which represents car workers across the US and would ordinarily sign off on such an arrangement, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Representatives for Fiat Chrysler did not respond to a request for comment in time for publication. The US talks parallel with a proposal by the UK government to requisition manufacturers — including carmakers — to produce medical kit to plug gaps in the National Health Service.


Ford, Honda, Jaguar Land Rover and Toyota are among manufacturers with British operations that have been contacted by ministers seeking to produce.


The NHS, the UK health service, has 5,000 ventilators, but needs another 30,000 “within two weeks”, the Prime Minister Boris Johnson told business leaders and potential mask-makers on a call on Monday evening.


A Government brief given to manufacturers, and seen by the Financial Times, included basic design requirements, as well as a link to a YouTube video with a description of a simple ventilator.


Honda on Wednesday told the FT it has “identified some potential areas where we may be able to provide support and have communicated this to government”.



85$, je trouve ça un peu cher pour un thermomètre...


Can Smart Thermometers Track the Spread of the Coronavirus?



A company that makes internet-connected thermometers has followed the flu more closely than the C.D.C. can. Now the devices may be turning up cases of Covid-19.


A company that uses internet-connected thermometers to predict the spread of the flu says it is tracking the coronavirus in real time — something that had been impossible, given the lack of testing for the disease.


Kinsa Health has sold or given away more than a million smart thermometers to households in which two million people reside, and thus can record fevers almost as soon as consumers experience them.


For the last few years, Kinsa’s interactive maps have accurately predicted the spread of flu around the United States about two weeks before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s own surveillance tool, the weekly FluView tracker.


The thermometer data “acts as an early warning system for illness spreading,” said Inder Singh, the company’s founder. The C.D.C.’s system lags because it relies on weekly reports from hundreds of doctors’ offices and hospital emergency rooms about what symptoms they are seeing in patients.


Company scientists are uniquely positioned to identify unusual clusters of fever because they have years of data for expected flu cases in each ZIP code. A sudden spike that far exceeds estimates for flu for a given date may well indicate the coronavirus has arrived.


Medical experts were enthusiastic about the possibility that smart thermometers could be used to track the virus in the United States. Having millions of data points allows Kinsa to produce daily maps showing which counties are seeing spiking fevers.


The most common symptoms of infection with the coronavirus is a fever — about 90 percent of patients suffer from it, according to the World Health Organization.


“This is very, very exciting,” said Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University. “This is 21st-century disease surveillance, and we’ve been rooted in the mid-20th century with something very labor intensive.”


Dr. Peter J. Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, said: “If this tells you where there are new major clusters of fever, it tells you where to swoop in with your test kits.”


Kinsa’s latest map of fever spikes shows areas that are known to have many cases of Covid-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus. But the data also point to spots in Florida, Michigan, Arizona and eastern Texas, where not as many cases have been reported.


Just last Saturday, Kinsa’s data indicated an unusual rise in fevers in South Florida, even though it was not known to be a Covid-19 epicenter. Within days, testing showed that South Florida had indeed become an epicenter.


“We can’t say for sure that these anomalous fever spikes are Covid-19, but we believe this is the earliest signal of where it’s occurring,” Mr. Singh said.


Normally, Mr. Singh said, the company submits its data to peer-reviewed medical journals. But because of the national emergency, it will post its maps and data Friday on medRxiv, an online repository of medical articles.


The latest data will be available on Friday on a new website,, he said.


“We’re nervous about putting this out there because we’ve built it so fast,” said Mr. Singh, a former executive at the Clinton Health Access Initiative, which gets medicines to the poor.


edit : Xiami a lancé au mois de février un thermomètre IR connecté très accessible (24$)




Ça ne doit pas être beaucoup mieux en France (PPE = personal protective equipment) :




SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children


[...] In order to determine the spectrum of disease in children, we evaluated children infected with SARS-CoV-2 and treated at the Wuhan Children’s Hospital [...] Both symptomatic and asymptomatic children with known contact with persons having confirmed or suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection were evaluated.


Of the 1391 children assessed and tested from January 28 through February 26, 2020, a total of 171 (12.3%) were confirmed to have SARS-CoV-2 infection [...] The median age of the infected children was 6.7 years. Fever was present in 41.5% of the children at any time during the illness. Other common signs and symptoms included cough and pharyngeal erythema. A total of 27 patients (15.8%) did not have any symptoms of infection or radiologic features of pneumonia. A total of 12 patients had radiologic features of pneumonia but did not have any symptoms of infection. During the course of hospitalization, 3 patients required intensive care support and invasive mechanical ventilation; all had coexisting conditions (hydronephrosis, leukemia [...], and intussusception). Lymphopenia [...] was present in 6 patients (3.5%). The most common radiologic finding was bilateral ground-glass opacity (32.7%). As of March 8, 2020, there was one death. A 10-month-old child with intussusception had multiorgan failure and died 4 weeks after admission. A total of 21 patients were in stable condition in the general wards, and 149 have been discharged from the hospital.


Un seul enfant mort, mais il présentait une invagination intestinale (qui peut s'avérer fatale si non prise en charge). Sur 171 enfants positifs au corona, seuls 3 ont été hospitalisés en soins intensifs (et tous les 3 avaient d'autres problèmes de santé).

  • Yea 1

Le récit d'une jeune femme qui s'en est plutôt bien sortie :


I’m 22 years old and I tested positive for COVID-19.

I’ve been debating on posting, but I want to share my experience especially with those around my age to help bring awareness, and to relieve any stress/anxiety some may have due to the pandemic.
Day 1- It started with a mild DRY cough and a slightly sore throat. I was very tired that night.
Day 2 - I felt a lot of pressure in my head to the point I would have to cough softly to avoid the discomfort. That night, I experienced the chills and had a fever. One main symptom that stood out to me, my eyes physically hurt. They were tender and sore.
Moving them was uncomfortable. Doing some research I discovered this was just a migraine, but it didn’t go away at ALL. I slept all day.
Day 3 - Energy levels VERY low, I only slept, and still ran fevers. At this point, my symptoms were: dry cough, migraine, fever, chills, some nausea. I decided to go to the doctors where I tested negative for the flu and strep.
The doctor told me I probably just had an infection and prescribed me antibiotics and 800mg of ibuprofen. I made sure to stay extremely hydrated and stocked up on vitamins and probiotics. That night, I still ran a fever.
Day 4 - Finally no more fever, but a new symptom showed up: shortness of breath. It was uncomfortable, it felt like I had bricks on my chest. I tried the self diagnose test I read online (hold your breath and count to 10) which I successfully did with no complications.
At this point I wanted to test for corona like I should have been in the first place, but It was very difficult to get tested for it!!! I continued to self-quarantine and hydrate hydrate HYDRATE!
Day 5 - Symptoms: sore throat, cough, shortness of breath. I went to the same doctor and I was very adamant about getting tested. Doctor said my vitals were “unremarkable” but I wasn’t going to take no for an answer! I also requested chest X-rays, everything came out normal.
I was advised to continue self quarantine, and I would receive my results in 5-6 DAYS!!!!!
Day 6 - With the continued use of antibiotics and ibuprofen, my symptoms were: sore throat, cough, shortness of breath. My energy levels began to increase.
Day 7 - Symptoms: slight sore throat, mild cough, shortness of breath. Energy levels increasing.
Day 8 - Symptoms: Mild cough, starting to feel like myself again. Energy!
Day 9 - Symptoms: My cough was a little heavier, normal energy levels.
Day 10 - Symptoms: Mild cough, mucus, normal energy levels. My lab results came in: POSITIVE.
I am continuing to self-isolate and take care of myself. Today I am feeling great and healthy! I will need to retest in order to be cleared. That’s if I can find a doctor whose willing to retest me. Haven’t had any luck so far.





Les Parisiens se réfugient à Belle-Île-en-Mer : « Personne n’a pensé qu’ils seraient aussi cons »


« Ah ben les voilà, je les vois depuis ma fenêtre. Ils sont là avec leurs bâtons nordiques à faire de la marche ensemble. En attendant, nous, depuis qu’ils sont arrivés, on n’ose plus sortir ». ?


Coronavirus: à Belle-Île-en-Mer, l'arrivée des Parisiens qui ont pris la fuite passe mal


A Belle-Île-en-Mer justement, la situation reste extrêmement tendue, souligne Le Télégramme, qui s'est rendu sur place. Depuis lundi, l'afflux de nouveaux habitants est visible et ne fait pas plaisir aux locaux, qui craignent légitimement une propagation du virus sur leurs îles qui restaient vierges de tous malades.


« Il y a clairement un risque de saturation de notre hôpital local, qui n’a pas de salle de réanimation, et donc d’engorgement des évacuations sanitaires vers le continent", alerte Thibault Grollemund, nouveau maire de Palais, commune située à Belle-Île-en-Mer. »




8 hours ago, Hayek's plosive said:


La filsdeputerie du jour de nos fumiers de fonctionnaires.

Tu es encore à regarder l'ORTF?

il y a 26 minutes, Largo Winch a dit :

Sinon, quelle cruauté la succession de ces 2 tweets qui fait apparaître en contraste l'impuissance bureaucratique de la santé publique française en comparaison des renforts technologiques déployés par la Corée du Sud. 


Oui, ce n'est pas un problème d'argent, de richesse ou de dotation, mais d'organisation. 

Il faudrait commencer à l'étudier et le dire parce que le discours ambiant : c'est il faut plus d'argent.

  • Yea 3
il y a 56 minutes, RaHaN a dit :






Littéralement tout est débile dans cette allocution. Mais le point le plus important est : contrairement à ce que soutient Castaner depuis 3 jours, du point de vue juridique, l'attestation n'est PAS OBLIGATOIRE. 

12 minutes ago, Colin said:


Littéralement tout est débile dans cette allocution. Mais le point le plus important est : contrairement à ce que soutient Castaner depuis 3 jours, du point de vue juridique, l'attestation n'est PAS OBLIGATOIRE. 


C'est vrai que le décret n'indique rien de spécifique sur la nature du document permettant de justifier le déplacement :



Les personnes souhaitant bénéficier de l'une de ces exceptions doivent se munir, lors de leurs déplacements hors de leur domicile, d'un document leur permettant de justifier que le déplacement considéré entre dans le champ de l'une de ces exceptions.


il y a 28 minutes, Largo Winch a dit :


C'est vrai que le décret n'indique rien de spécifique sur la nature du document permettant de justifier le déplacement :




Tout à fait. Une attestation est un document, mais un document ne prend pas nécessairement la forme d'une attestation, a fortiori d'une attestation signée sur l'honneur ou conforme au modèle officiel.


Je n'ai pas vérifié la source (ça vient "juste" d'un médecin que je connais qui n'a effectivement que ça) mais ça ressemble bien à une tiers-mondisation.


  • Sad 1

Pas mal de représentants de secteurs touchés de l'économie doivent être en train de négocier des aides contre le respect de la fermeture. Comme tout le monde ne sera pas aidé, on va se retrouver avec une ligne "devoir économique" sur l'attestation de justification de sortie.


Tiero said it’s unclear if the virus is “bi-phasic, like anthrax,” meaning it appears to go away before recurring.


Ooooook arrêtez tout.


C'est peut-être juste que les personnes âgées et au système immunitaire faible ne se constituent pas une immunité suffisante. Le vaccin de la grippe fonctionne beaucoup moins bien sur eux pour cette raison.

Il y a 3 heures, Johnnieboy a dit :

Encore un cas de réinfection


Et ce n'est pas simplement un faux positif... merci pour l'info.


Et attention, maintenant on a droit au rappel à l'ordre supplémentaire du ministère des sports : le footing "règlementaire" ne doit pas aller au-delà de 1 ou 2 km de chez soi.



  • Love 1

Les gens posent de ces questions aussi... Un formidable niveau d'asservissement, bravo.

  • Yea 2
  • Ancap 1
il y a 32 minutes, Largo Winch a dit :

Et attention, maintenant on a droit au rappel à l'ordre supplémentaire du ministère des sports : le footing "règlementaire" ne doit pas aller au-delà de 1 ou 2 km de chez soi.




C'est vraiment aberrant cette règle...

12 hours ago, Freezbee said:

@TODA Bof, ce sont vraiment des amateurs chez Le Media. Liborg a eu l'exclusivité et l'intégralité de la vidéo il y a presque une semaine ?


oups::j'avais lu ton resume, mais pas vu la video elle meme...du coup, j'en profite pour te dire un grand Merci pour tout ce  boulot!


  • Love 1
il y a 5 minutes, TODA a dit :

du coup, j'en profite pour te dire un grand Merci pour tout ce  boulot!


Waouf ! Waouf ! Et j'arrive aussi à bouger les oreilles :



  • Love 1
il y a 45 minutes, fryer a dit :


C'est vraiment aberrant cette règle...


C'est ce que le cm pense aussi j'imagine..

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