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Affaire Epstein & Co


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Le régulateur américain (qui n’est même pas le régulateur américain mais celui de l’Etat de NY) a plus racketté les banques américaines que les banques européennes. 


Rebondissement ? Personnellement, je pensais qu'elle n'avait pas grand chose et qu'il ne sortirait rien de son arrestation, mais je me suis peut-être trompé :




Bon... la probité de la « source » est discutable :



Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell 'filmed powerful people having sex with underage girls'


Paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his ex-lover Ghislaine Maxwell recorded tapes of powerful people, including top US politicians, having sex with underage girls, a close source has claimed.


Speaking to the Sun, a reformed jewel thief, who uses the pseudonym William Steel, claimed the pair would force him to watch the alleged sex tapes to prove that they "owned" people.


The ex-criminal turned writer claimed he was shown footage of two high-profile US politicians having sex with minors and two high society figures having a threesome with an under-age girl.


"Ghislaine was more into showing me those than Jeff … I saw videos of very powerful people — celebrities, world figures — in those videos having sex, threesomes, even orgies with minors," he told the publication.


"They showed me black-and-white footage of a woman they told me was internationally known, a well-known rock star and another man having sex. It looked like it was taken in the 1960s and without their knowledge.


"I was forced to watch their videos because they were trying to impress me. They wanted to convince me of their power and who they held in their grip."


Steel branded Maxwell, who was as arrested last week in connection with trafficking young girls, a "nymphomaniac" who would try "everything and anything in bed".


"When you're in a situation like that, you have to pretend to be non-judgmental. But it was shocking," he added.


Steel said while Maxwell was very loyal to Epstein, she also knew he would prove her undoing.


"She said to me that she often thought she needed to do something about Epstein, telling me, 'He is going to be the death of me',".


He added that she had an escape plan called the "Polanski plan" — named after the filmmaker Roman Polanski, who fled the United States for France after raping a 13-year-old girl in 1977.


"She told me about her Polanski plan where she would flee to France because they couldn't extradite her."


Ghislaine Maxwell, 58, was arrested at her hideout in Bradford, New Hampshire, and was charged with six federal crimes, including enticement of minors, sex trafficking and perjury.


Last week, Maxwell asked a federal judge to grant her bail.


The socialite has been pictured with US President Donald Trump, along with his now-wife Melania.


She was so close with former President Bill Clinton, who flew multiple times on Epstein's infamous Lolita Express, that she attended the wedding of his daughter Chelsea in 2010.


One of Maxwell's closest friends is Prince Andrew, who has been pictured with Maxwell along with Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who has accused the royal of sexually assaulting her.


Andrew has denied these allegations.


Epstein died in an apparent suicide while awaiting trial at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in lower Manhattan.


13 minutes ago, Marlenus said:

Les portes-flingues sont de sortie:



Je sens que les théoriciens du complot vont s'en donner à coeur joie.


En même temps, à un certain niveau, la vérité officielle perd un peu en crédibilité





il y a 59 minutes, Marlenus a dit :

Les portes-flingues sont de sortie:



Je sens que les théoriciens du complot vont s'en donner à coeur joie.

Sur ce sujet là, les théories de l'absence de complot sont les plus ridicules.

  • Yea 4
Il y a 1 heure, Marlenus a dit :

Je sens que les théoriciens du complot vont s'en donner à coeur joie.


Le lien avec l'affaire Epstein est loin d'être évident : la juge venait de recevoir le dossier Epstein/Deutsche Bank quatre jours auparavant. Je trouve que c'est un peu court. Et puis, il ne s'agit que de la partie financière, où il est reproché à la banque de ne pas avoir appliqué ses directives anti-blanchiment.


En revanche, le fait qu'il y ait eu (d'après les journaux) beaucoup de coups de feu et que le tueur ait laissé un blessé derrière lui (susceptible de l'identifier) laisse penser qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un professionnel (ou pas très dégourdi en tous cas).


Pour ma part je pense plutôt à la vengeance d'un gang ou d'un truand quelconque... il faudrait regarder qui elle a condamné dernièrement.

2 minutes ago, Freezbee said:


Le lien avec l'affaire Epstein est loin d'être évident : la juge venait de recevoir le dossier Epstein/Deutsche Bank quatre jours auparavant. Je trouve que c'est un peu court. Et puis, il ne s'agit que de la partie financière, où il est reproché à la banque de ne pas avoir appliqué ses directives anti-blanchiment.


En revanche, le fait qu'il y ait eu (d'après les journaux) beaucoup de coups de feu et que le tueur ait laissé un blessé derrière lui (susceptible de l'identifier) laisse penser qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un professionnel (ou pas très dégourdi en tous cas).


Pour ma part je pense plutôt à la vengeance d'un gang ou d'un truand quelconque... il faudrait regarder qui elle a condamné dernièrement.

le mari est pas avocat de la défense?

il faut rajouter la liste des clients/plaignants de ce dernier pour avoir une liste complète des gens ayant une potentielle dent contre ce couple.

à l’instant, Mobius a dit :

le mari est pas avocat de la défense?

il faut rajouter la liste des clients/plaignants de ce dernier pour avoir une liste complète des gens ayant une potentielle dent contre ce couple.


Ah oui, il y a ça aussi. La juge n'était peut-être pas la cible principale.


Les banques sont une extension de l’administration judiciaire sauf qu’elles, elles ont une obligation de résultat et de moyens. En plus, elles n’ont pas besoin de mandat pour espionner leurs clients. 


Suspect in fatal shooting at home of Judge Esther Salas described himself as an 'anti-feminist' lawyer, once argued a case before the judge


On his website, Roy Den Hollander described himself as an "anti-feminist" lawyer who defended "men's rights." His personal writings and life's work reveal a toxic stew of sexist and racist bigotry.


He had unsuccessfully filed lawsuits against bars and night clubs offering "ladies' nights," claiming they violate the 14th Amendment, and he filed suits against the federal government, challenging the constitutionality of its Violence Against Women Act -- the "Female Fraud Act," as he referred to it -- and against Columbia University, for its Women's Studies program.
Federal authorities on Monday said Den Hollander is suspected of shooting the husband and son of US District Judge Esther Salas at her North Brunswick, New Jersey.
The FBI called Den Hollander the "primary subject," and said he is dead. Two law enforcement sources told CNN that the suspect died of what is believed to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

On his website, Roy Den Hollander described himself as an "anti-feminist" lawyer who defended "men's rights." His personal writings and life's work reveal a toxic stew of sexist and racist bigotry.


He had unsuccessfully filed lawsuits against bars and night clubs offering "ladies' nights," claiming they violate the 14th Amendment, and he filed suits against the federal government, challenging the constitutionality of its Violence Against Women Act -- the "Female Fraud Act," as he referred to it -- and against Columbia University, for its Women's Studies program.
Federal authorities on Monday said Den Hollander is suspected of shooting the husband and son of US District Judge Esther Salas at her North Brunswick, New Jersey.
The FBI called Den Hollander the "primary subject," and said he is dead. Two law enforcement sources told CNN that the suspect died of what is believed to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Den Hollander argued one case before Salas, according to federal court records: a lawsuit where he represented a woman and her daughter as they sought to register for the military's selective service. In the case, Den Hollander's clients claimed the draft was unconstitutional because it barred women from registering.
The case, like at least one other in the federal court system, raised intricate legal questions about the treatment of women in the military.
Salas sided against a part of Den Hollander's arguments last spring, but also agreed with some of his claims and allowed the lawsuit to continue on.
The attorney exited the case in June 2019, handing it over to a team of lawyers at the large New York-based law firm Boies Schiller Flexner.
Den Hollander said he "would not be able to see the case through" because he was terminally ill, Nick Gravante, Boies Schiller's managing partner, told CNN on Monday.
Den Hollander had called Gravante out of the blue last year, asking the larger firm to take over the case before Salas.
The firm knew of Hollander's history pushing anti-women viewpoints, but saw the case as an opportunity to fight for equal rights for women.
"We were not going to let Mr. Hollander's private views as expressed anywhere interfere with our taking over the case from him and going forward with it," Gravante said Monday.
Gravante said he didn't know of any anger Hollander had for the judge or why he had worked on the case to begin with.
In one of his writings, Den Hollander claimed he had been diagnosed with melanoma cancer in October 2018.
On his website, Den Hollander wrote an autobiographical document in which he personally disparaged Salas in racist and sexist terms.
While speaking about Salas, he claimed he often ran into trouble with female judges of Latin American descent, claiming they were "driven by an inferiority complex."
He attacked Salas' professional record and associations, and at one point, appeared to push a white nationalist belief that organizations are "trying to convince America that whites, especially white males, were barbarians, and all those of a darker skin complexion were victims."
Amid the ladies' night lawsuit, filed in 2007, Den Hollander was featured in reports in The New York Times and The New Yorker and made a guest appearance on Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report."
"The feminists have taken control over every institution in this country -- they want to take control over men," he told the Times in 2011 after the Supreme Court declined to take up his ladies' night lawsuit. "I'm going to fight them to my last dollar, last breath."
The New Yorker profile in particular focused on a night at a club with him in which he railed against "feminazis," spoke of his attraction to "black and Latin chicks, and Asian chicks" and held forth on his tactics for picking up women.
In 2017, he unsuccessfully sued multiple media outlets, including CNN, accusing them of disseminating "false and misleading news reports" about Donald Trump's candidacy for president. The case was dismissed.
Den Hollander graduated from George Washington University Law School in 1985 and then worked as an attorney in the Office of Chief Counsel of the Internal Revenue Service, his online resume says.
From 1986 to 1989, he worked as an associate at the prestigious legal firm Cravath, Swaine & Moore, and he has since primarily worked as a private attorney in New York, according to his resume and court filings.


On 7/21/2020 at 3:48 PM, Stephdumas said:


Il y a certaines répliques à cette nouvelle qui me font un peu sourire.


We are through the looking glass here, people


  • Yea 1
il y a 21 minutes, Antoninov a dit :

L’avion n’allait pas nécessairement sur l’île.


Sur les logs, tu as les codes des aéroports donc c'est facile à voir. Concernant les Îles Vierges, c'est STT, STX, VI22, VI32.


Vérification faite, le nom de Clinton apparaît bien sur des logs à destination des Îles Vierges (et on le sait depuis un moment) mais il nie s'être rendu sur l'île d'Epstein :



Bill Clinton has continually denied visiting Jeffrey Epstein’s island, but the Lolita Express flight logs show that Clinton took at least 11 flights to the island.

Source :



Cela pourrait être pour enterrer des indices, des corps,

ou simplement construire une deuxième piste d'atterrissage... le business tournait bien... ?


Ah ah dans la vidéo de l'article, on voit que les journalistes s'approchent avec un drone et tentent de filmer la perquisition en cours. Les flics et FBI tentent eux de masquer les fenetres avec du carton pour éviter les caméras des journalistes...

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