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Images fun et leurs interminables commentaires


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A gauche : Ramona Flowers (interprétée par Mary-Elizabeth Winstead) dans Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

A droite : Lana Wachowski, née Larry Wachowski, co-réalisatrice de Matrix, Speed Racer et Cloud Atlas.


un mauvais realisateur de nanards gnostiques ou fascistes.


et..... je ne comprends toujours pas pouquoi c'est drole

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Siege of Paris, 1871 - picture of the day

A photographic highlight selected by the picture desk. On 28 January 1871 Paris surrendered to the Prussians ending the Franco-Prussian war. Paris, under siege for over four months, had been heavily bombarded. This photograph, with the Arc de Triomphe in the distance, shows the destruction along the Champs-Elysees. The exact date is unknown, but it is thought to have been taken during the Paris Commune in March 1871


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