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Les chinois, camaraderie et capitalisme

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Je vois pas trop où l'article veut en venir. Et la translitération usuelle c'est Annabel Yao.


  Le 29/10/2019 à 16:06, Drake a dit :

Je vois pas trop où l'article veut en venir. Et la translitération usuelle c'est Annabel Yao.




Dans le cas des milliardaires chinois, ça serait plus ou moins similaire aux rats qui quittent le navire.  Et si le président Xi décède subitement, il veut préparer le règne d'une nouvelle dynastie avec sa fille ou que sa fille commence une nouvelle vie ailleurs si la situation en Chine s'aggrave encore plus qu'aujourd'hui. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Hong Kong Polytechnic University: Images from inside as siege nears end




A four-day siege of Hong Kong's Polytechnic University (PolyU) is nearing an end, although dozens of protesters remain inside.

Around 800 to 900 protesters have already left the campus, hundreds of whom were under 18, police said.


The campus - which turned into a fiery battleground during the past week - is surrounded by police who are arresting for rioting any adults trying to leave.


Some are too scared to leave as a result, leaving them trapped inside.


The campus siege has been one of the most dramatic confrontations in the wider protest movement that has paralysed the city for more than five months.


Triggered by a now-withdrawn controversial bill, the movement has at its root a fear - especially among young people - that their unique identity is under threat from China.


Hong Kong is a part of China, but as a former British colony enjoys freedoms not seen on the mainland.








Meanwhile, the US Senate has passed a bill which could strip Hong Kong of its special trade status if it fails to uphold democracy and human rights - though it still needs approval from President Donald Trump.


The bill was swiftly condemned by China, which accused the US of "blatantly" interfering in Hong Kong affairs.




PolyU has over the past week become a fiery battleground between protesters and police officers.


Police have fired tear gas and rubber bullets in and around the campus, while protesters have thrown petrol bombs and bricks from makeshift sling-shots, and fired arrows from bows.


The protesters have been camping inside the campus, using it as a fortress, but many are hungry and cold.


One pro-democracy lawmaker who visited the university on Tuesday said he did not think supplies could last another day.


Over the past few days, a stream of protesters have been trickling out, surrendering to police or as part of medical evacuations. Some have eye injuries and hypothermia.


School headmasters, politicians and religious leaders have gone in to convince many to leave.


Others have tried to avoid police detection, making desperate escape attempts.


On Monday night, some climbed down ropes from a bridge, escaping on motorcycles that were waiting on the road underneath.


Some even unsuccessfully tried to make their way out using the sewers. Those captured by police were arrested.




Police arrested around 1,100 people in and around PolyU on Tuesday alone, they said at a late night briefing.


Those under 18 had their particulars noted down but were not immediately detained.


Those over 18 were arrested. They could be charged with rioting, which carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison.


Hong Kong's Hospital Authority said 325 people, aged 15 to 66, were injured and sent to hospital on Tuesday. One is in critical condition.




The protests started after the government planned to pass a bill that would allow suspects to be extradited to mainland China.


Many feared this would undermine the city's freedoms and judicial independence.


The bill was eventually withdrawn, but the demonstrations continued, having evolved into a broader protest against alleged police brutality, and the way Hong Kong is administered by Beijing.


Hong Kong is a former British colony but was handed back to China in 1997. It has rights not seen on the mainland including freedom of assembly and freedom of speech.


But the freedoms enshrined in Hong Kong's mini constitution - the Basic Law - expire in 2047 and it is not clear what Hong Kong's status will then be.



  • 1 month later...

Les temps changent en Chine :



China cuts 'freedom of thought' from top university charters

Changes to the charter of one of China’s top universities, including dropping the phrase “freedom of thought” and the inclusion of a pledge to follow the Communist party’s leadership, has sparked fierce debate and a rare act of student defiance.


Some of the commentators on Weibo discussed how the amendments pointed to an expansion of Communist party control, with the revised charter saying that Fudan’s “party committee is the core of the university” and would be responsible for setting its direction and making major decisions.

The new charter said the university would “weaponise the minds of teachers and students using Xi Jinping’s socialism ideology with characteristics of China in the new era”.



  • 2 weeks later...

La Chine reprend la tête pour de bon dans la course au cynisme et à la dégueulasserie oui.

  Le 03/01/2020 à 17:02, Ultimex a dit :

La Chine reprend la tête pour de bon dans la course au cynisme et à la dégueulasserie oui.


L'a-t-elle jamais perdu ? Ça fait peut-être quinze ans qu'on a des indices et des témoignages qui vont dans ce sens, alors qu'est-ce qui a changé ?

  Le 03/01/2020 à 17:20, Ultimex a dit :


C'est exact, c'est effectivement surtout une bonne piqûre de rappel.


Tout à fait, il en faut régulièrement. 

  Le 03/01/2020 à 17:07, Rincevent a dit :

L'a-t-elle jamais perdu ? Ça fait peut-être quinze ans qu'on a des indices et des témoignages qui vont dans ce sens, alors qu'est-ce qui a changé ?



Les pays musulmans sont encore devant niveau hypocrisie à bitcher sur Israël mais pas sur les autres pays musulmans qui font peu ou prou les mêmes choses... 

  • 3 weeks later...

A propos de l'incroyable capacité du gouvernement Chinois à cacher les faits, dans le plus pure style soviétique, au point d’accélérer la propagation du coronavirus :



  • 2 weeks later...

Les Chinois ont fabriqué leur hôpital en 10 jours. Cependant, on ne forme pas de personnel médical en 10 jours, ni ne fabrique de matériel de pointe si rapidement.

Ce sera donc réquisitionné au détriment d'autres hôpitaux.


Ce qu'on voit, ce qu'on ne voit pas…

  • Yea 3

Ouais puis bon, voyons voir l'état de l'hôpital d'ici 1 an. Les prefabs posés sur béton je connais la technique, c'est pas le truc le plus parfait au monde.

  • Yea 3

C'est juste un coup marketing à destination de la population. Il est important/prioritaire de montrer que quelque chose est fait, peu importe si ça n'a aucun effet sur la situation.


  • Yea 2
  • Ancap 1

Un bloggeur d'American Thinker a pondu ce billet en se demandant si le Coronavirus pourrait être la contrepartie de Tchernobyl pour la Chine?





Is the Coronavirus Outbreak China's Chernobyl?

To refresh our memories, it was in 1986 when the No. 4 nuclear reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded and was burning as the solid fuel rods of Uranium melted down. The smoke and steam from the fire and firefighting spread across Northern Europe and the Russian steppes. The number of deaths attributed to this disaster could be as high as 100,000 but accepted estimates are closer to 27,000.

It was the failure of the Soviet system in dealing with a coordinated response that shook the faith of the people. They began to question whether the Soviet government had abandoned the interests of the people in favor of propaganda.  The conclusion was that it certainly was not the health and welfare of the people which was first and foremost in Soviet governmental policy. Gorbachev himself wrote in 2006:

“The nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl… was perhaps the true cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union.”

It is clear that Gorbachev could not bring himself to admit that it was Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy which was the underlying cause. Regardless of the causes of the collapse, it seems history is about to repeat itself. 

The outbreak in People’s Republic of China (PRC) has led to a declaration of a global public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO). In the 2019 WHO report of the ten most likely threats to global health, an influenza pandemic was in the top three.  In light if recent events, it seems that it should have been listed as the number one threat.

Just as with the Chernobyl cover-up, there are indications that the outbreak of the corona virus is much more severe than has been admitted by the communist government. There are reports that the PRC is digging mass graves and burning bodies to deal with the death toll. If true, then the actual death toll is well above the 170 officially stated by President Xi Jinping’s government. Unlike the trade war or the Hong Kong protest, Xi cannot blame this outbreak on foreign powers.  This was also the case with the Chernobyl meltdown 

The questions about the official statements concerning the epicenter of the outbreak being a wild game market are being raised. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) issued this statement:  

"I would note that Wuhan has China's only biosafety level-four super laboratory that works with the world's most deadly pathogens to include, yes, coronavirus,"



À propos, je me demande si la chanson "Tout va bien madame la marquise" est actuellement la chanson utilisé par le président Xi pour chanter à la populace chinois vu la conjoncture actuelle? 



Un autre point. On parle d’hôpital d'une capacité de 1000 lits.

Mais en rapport avec 1,4 milliards de Chinois, ça nous faits 0,7 lits par million d'habitants.

En France, ça nous ferait juste 47 lits en tout et pour tout.

  Le 04/02/2020 à 17:22, ph11 a dit :

Un autre point. On parle d’hôpital d'une capacité de 1000 lits.

Mais en rapport avec 1,4 milliards de Chinois, ça nous faits 0,7 lits par million d'habitants.

En France, ça nous ferait juste 47 lits en tout et pour tout.


Oui mais il y a une grosse différence. Pour ces 47 lits, il aurait fallu 3 ans de démarches administratives et 18 mois de construction plus 6 de retard.

  Le 05/02/2020 à 21:26, a dit :

Oui mais il y a une grosse différence. Pour ces 47 lits, il aurait fallu 3 ans de démarches administratives et 18 mois de construction plus 6 de retard.


Même en cas de pandémie et presque panique?

  Le 06/02/2020 à 12:45, Hugh a dit :

Même en cas de pandémie et presque panique?


One does not simply fills a CERFA.


La bureaucratie française est le seul machin qui a traversé la guerre sans probleme.

  • Haha 3
  Le 05/02/2020 à 21:26, a dit :

Oui mais il y a une grosse différence. Pour ces 47 lits, il aurait fallu 3 ans de démarches administratives et 18 mois de construction plus 6 de retard.



Sans compter les associations de défense du mulot à tête cendrée et de l'araignée à stries bleus qui occuperaient avec les zadistes le terrain pour y empêcher le début des travaux

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