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the F****** scale


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Un vieux test bidon, mais avec une aura de sérieux pour la gauche académique !




Your Overall F Score is: 2.50
You are a liberal airhead.

Scores for Personality Variables:
Conventionalism: 2.75
Authoritarian Submission: 2.71
Authoritarian Aggression: 2.25
Anti-intraception: 3.00
Superstition and Stereotypy: 2.17
Power and "Toughness": 1.25
Destructiveness and Cynicism: 4.00
Projectivity: 3.40
Sex: 2.00



Your Overall F Score is: 3.07
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Scores for Personality Variables:
Conventionalism: 4.00
Authoritarian Submission: 2.57
Authoritarian Aggression: 3.38
Anti-intraception: 4.25
Superstition and Stereotypy: 2.50
Power and "Toughness": 2.75
Destructiveness and Cynicism: 4.00
Projectivity: 2.80
Sex: 3.00

Your Overall F Score is: 2.70
You are a liberal airhead.

Scores for Personality Variables:
Conventionalism: 4.25
Authoritarian Submission: 1.71
Authoritarian Aggression: 2.88
Anti-intraception: 4.25
Superstition and Stereotypy: 1.67
Power and "Toughness": 2.63
Destructiveness and Cynicism: 4.50
Projectivity: 2.80
Sex: 2.33

Your Overall F Score is: 1.77
You are a whining rotter. ?


Scores for Personality Variables:
Conventionalism: 2.25
Authoritarian Submission: 1.71
Authoritarian Aggression: 1.88
Anti-intraception: 2.00
Superstition and Stereotypy: 1.17
Power and "Toughness": 1.88
Destructiveness and Cynicism: 2.50
Projectivity: 1.60
Sex: 1.00

Your Overall F Score is: 2.67
You are a liberal airhead.

Scores for Personality Variables:
Conventionalism: 4.25
Authoritarian Submission: 2.57
Authoritarian Aggression: 2.63
Anti-intraception: 4.00
Superstition and Stereotypy: 1.83
Power and "Toughness": 2.38
Destructiveness and Cynicism: 3.50
Projectivity: 2.80
Sex: 1.00

Test trop long, questions trop vagues et mal posées, interprétable à merci.



Your Overall F Score is: 2.03
You are a liberal airhead.

Scores for Personality Variables:
Conventionalism: 2.00
Authoritarian Submission: 2.43
Authoritarian Aggression: 1.38
Anti-intraception: 1.25
Superstition and Stereotypy: 2.17
Power and "Toughness": 2.38
Destructiveness and Cynicism: 1.00
Projectivity: 1.60
Sex: 1.00
  Le 18/08/2019 à 10:00, h16 a dit :

questions trop vagues et mal posées, interprétable à merci.


C'était très exactement l'intention derrière ce test, créé (faut-il le rappeler) par Theodor Adorno (membre majeur de l'Ecole de Francfort) dans un but de psychiatrisation de l'adversaire (i.e. tout ce qui n'est pas de son engeance idéologique).


Tout à fait, mais il est amusant de constater que ce test semble nous classer du même coté de les copains d'Adorno.


Your Overall F Score is: 2.90
You are a liberal airhead.

Scores for Personality Variables:
Conventionalism:    4.50
Authoritarian Submission:    2.57
Authoritarian Aggression:    3.00
Anti-intraception:    4.50
Superstition and Stereotypy:    1.83
Power and "Toughness":    2.50
Destructiveness and Cynicism:    3.50
Projectivity:    3.20
Sex:    2.67

  Le 18/08/2019 à 15:19, Mégille a dit :

Tout à fait, mais il est amusant de constater que ce test semble nous classer du même coté de les copains d'Adorno.



J'avoue que c'est amusant de voir la proximité. :D


Your Overall F Score is: 2.67
You are a liberal airhead.

Scores for Personality Variables:
Conventionalism: 4.00
Authoritarian Submission: 2.86
Authoritarian Aggression: 2.88
Anti-intraception: 4.00
Superstition and Stereotypy: 1.67
Power and "Toughness": 2.25
Destructiveness and Cynicism: 3.50
Projectivity: 2.20
Sex: 1.67

Pas si étonnant de se retrouver du côté d'Adorno, puisque son questionnaire n'inclut pas les problématiques économiques.


Your Overall F Score is: 2.77
You are a liberal airhead.

Scores for Personality Variables:
Conventionalism: 3.75
Authoritarian Submission: 3.14
Authoritarian Aggression: 2.75
Anti-intraception: 3.25
Superstition and Stereotypy: 2.17
Power and "Toughness": 2.25
Destructiveness and Cynicism: 3.50
Projectivity: 2.20
Sex: 2.33
  Your Overall F Score is: 3.10
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.
Scores for Personality Variables:
Conventionalism: 3.50
Authoritarian Submission: 2.57
Authoritarian Aggression: 2.88
Anti-intraception: 4.00
Superstition and Stereotypy: 2.67
Power and "Toughness": 3.00
Destructiveness and Cynicism: 3.50
Projectivity: 3.80
Sex: 2.67



(The overall average score for groups tested in the original study is listed in the 1950 publication as 3.84, with men averaging somewhat higher and women somewhat lower.)

  • 2 weeks later...

Your Overall F Score is: 3.07
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Scores for Personality Variables:
Conventionalism: 3.25
Authoritarian Submission: 3.86
Authoritarian Aggression: 2.75
Anti-intraception: 3.50
Superstition and Stereotypy: 3.00
Power and "Toughness": 2.88
Destructiveness and Cynicism: 3.50
Projectivity: 2.80
Sex: 3.00

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