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Voyage En Corée Du Nord


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hé oui, par un touriste anglophone qui poste ses photos et son récit de voyage.…of-north-korea/

I booked the tour through Koryo Tours (a British company based in Beijing; check out Koryo Tours for details) and went to North Korea with around 30 other travellers, all of whom agreed it was the trip of a lifetime. Described amongst other things as ‘a Stalinist theme park’ (in the Lonely Planet), the DPRK proved to be such a bizarre experience that I can highly recommend it

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Rush hour in Pyongyang. The view from our hotel (the Pyongyang Koryo) on Changwang Street, one of the main streets in the downtown area. Private car ownership is not part of the Communist ethos and this, combined with the scarcity of fuel caused by economic sanctions, results in a distinct lack of traffic on the roads. Note the Tower of the Juche Ideal in the distance and the ‘traffic girl’ standing in the white circle in the centre of the intersection (since there are no traffic signals in North Korea traffic girls direct the traffic instead).


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Me and the Great Leader. You have to make sure photos are taken of the front of the statue only and that the full body is in the shot to avoid causing offence. Our guide actually checked my digital camera after the shot was taken to make sure.


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(…) often doubling back on ourselves and frequently being forced to spend unjustifiably long periods of time in mundane locations whilst being herded through the more interesting ones with a bizarre sense of urgency.

One might conclude that this can be attributed to the fact that this fledgling Communist tourist industry is totally inexperienced in satisfying the consumer (or indeed taking money from them, as we were routinely deprived of opportunities to spend money on food, drinks and souvenirs despite our willingness to do so), but in fact it rather served to reinforce the conspiracy theory atmosphere as we debated why we were being kept somewhere too long.

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(…) often doubling back on ourselves and frequently being forced to spend unjustifiably long periods of time in mundane locations whilst being herded through the more interesting ones with a bizarre sense of urgency.

One might conclude that this can be attributed to the fact that this fledgling Communist tourist industry is totally inexperienced in satisfying the consumer (or indeed taking money from them, as we were routinely deprived of opportunities to spend money on food, drinks and souvenirs despite our willingness to do so), but in fact it rather served to reinforce the conspiracy theory atmosphere as we debated why we were being kept somewhere too long.

pour que jepuisse comprendre , il faut que tu traduise, je comprend certaines phraes mais pas tout

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Oui, cf. le reportage "Une délégation de très haut niveau" dans la série Strip Tease.

Ah oui ce lui ou on attends avec impatience la moindre remarque sur les droits de l'homme qui n'arrivera jamais et ou b ien au contraire le député socialiste va finir en expliquants que toutes les critiques occidentale envers la corée du nord ne sont rien de moins que de la propagande.

A vrai dire je ne sais )pas si il faut en rire ou en pleurer.

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le député socialiste va finir en expliquants que toutes les critiques occidentale envers la corée du nord ne sont rien de moins que de la propagande.A vrai dire je ne sais )pas si il faut en rire ou en pleurer.

Ils sont graves les socialistes belges !

Moi qui croyait que les notres étaient uniques dans leur genre !

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