Citronne Posté 12 mai 2015 Signaler Posté 12 mai 2015 Hello à tous, Je ne souhaitais pas intégrer cela aux "actualités" parce que ça ne parle pas d'actualités mais bien d'un phénomène de société et ça n'allait pas dans le topic sur le keynésianisme parce que le sujet principal est loin de porter sur l'économie, mais...: Spare a thought for the Western men trapped in Japan In Japan, it’s a familiar refrain: “Men have it easy — especially foreigners. They are males in a highly conservative patriarchal society, so they enjoy all the benefits: status, money, career. On top of that, foreigners often attract a lot of Japanese girls. “These Western men do not really have to learn the language or try to fit in. Their Japanese girlfriends or wives will take care of the majority of things for them. Their careers, especially teaching ones, also may not require Japanese proficiency. They are never subjected to sexual harassment, abuse or sexism.” But is this the full story? Jim, an American in his late 20s, used to be a very passionate young man. He claimed he was a communist — a Stalinist, even. He would engage in endless political debates during smoking breaks and drinking sessions. He dreamed of graduate school, an academic career and, one day, even leading a riot. But instead, he got married to a Japanese girl and already had children by the time he graduated. She did not want to leave Japan and insisted he earn a stable income, so he ended up teaching English somewhere in the sticks, far from any big university. “It is only for the time being,” he insists, but it’s difficult to see how he will ever have the money or mobility to realize his dreams. Japan can be the best place in the world for some, but for others it can be a trap. And sometimes I think it’s far easier for Western men to be sucked into this trap than women. Japanese society can be notoriously conservative when it comes to gender roles. While there is a lot of talk about the negative effects of imposing traditional roles on women, their restrictiveness and destructiveness for well-being are rarely mentioned in regard to men. In Japan, men in general have very limited choices. The culture demands that they become “real men,” which usually means breadwinners obsessed with their careers. The job-for-life system that has dominated Japanese corporate culture for the postwar period demands the full devotion of employees. Promotions and salary raises were, and often still are, mainly based on loyalty and seniority. The company has to be a man’s top priority. So what does this involve? Well, although hours have been dropping for the last few years, Japanese still clock up more minutes on the job per year than workers in almost any other OECD country, although many of those minutes are unpaid. Forty percent of workers say they regularly do what’s known assābisu zangyō — unpaid overtime: 16 hours a month on average. So-calledburakku kigyō (black companies) might require over 100 hours, and their youngest employees — those in their 20s — are hit the hardest. Karōshi — death from overwork — is such a prominent problem that the government passed a bill last year aimed at tackling premature death and illnesses caused by overwork, apparently the first of its kind in the world. Japan’s corporate jungle is still overwhelmingly a man’s world — a world many women drop out of when they get married and have children, whether they want to or not. And when it comes to marriage, money tends to quickly become a top priority. According to a survey conducted by OZmall, a popular Japanese women’s information site, 72 percent of women would not be willing to marry “without money” — presumably meaning a case where the couple concerned had no money to speak of between the two of them. While such pragmatism may be quite understandable in a nation that has not seen sustained growth for over 20 years, it would also seem to fly in the face of the Western notion of marriage being a culmination of a romantic relationship. For example, American adults — both married and unmarried — ranked “love” (93 percent), “making a lifelong commitment” (87 percent) and “companionship” (81 percent) as more important reasons to get married than “having children” (59 percent) or “financial stability” (31 percent) in a nationwide survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in association with Time magazine. Sebastian, a 32-year-old university student with several part-time jobs and 12 years of service in the German Federal Armed Forces, discovered this disconnect the hard way when a Japanese girlfriend he had been together with for a year and had proposed to dumped him because he had “no future.” According to her, his Japanese major was not a promise of a successful career and, not being a native speaker of English, he could not secure teaching jobs. “Why is it always about money?” he asks. To borrow from the headline of a past column by Kaori Shoji from these pages, “Marriage has little to do with romantic love.” No wonder foreign husbandsoften complain about Japanese women suddenly transforming from sweet and cute girlfriends into shufu — professional housewives emotionally and physically distant from their husbands and fully devoted to their children and home. Men can be sidelined when it comes to participation in child-rearing and other home-related matters, such as controlling the family budget. As opposed to a safe haven from the pressures of work, marriage can become an additional source of stress for men. No wonder Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, at 18.5 per 100,000 inhabitants — about 60 percent higher than the global average of 11.4. As in most of the rest of the world (the most notable exception being China), men in Japan kill themselves at a much higher rate than women. Japanese men have it tough, but foreigners might have it even worse. Unlike Japanese, who have been raised in the culture of strict gender roles and long work hours, foreigners — especially Westerners — may have very different expectations, lifestyles and ideals. For example, achieving a balance between work, family and personal time is seen as extremely important in contemporary European and American societies, but Japanese corporate culture does not support it. Finding a stable full-time job after graduation will be very hard for Sebastian: As a foreigner approaching his 40s, he could become a victim of double discrimination — due to both age and nationality. And even when foreigners fulfill all the “requirements” for a promotion — having endured long hours, nomikai (after-work drinking sessions), business trips and relocations — they still may be denied just for not being Japanese. Patrick, a 31-year-old American IT specialist, decided to leave a Japanese company he was working for because after all the overtime work he put in, he hit the glass ceiling. “According to my boss, three promotions were the most I could’ve gotten,” he says. Patrick says his boss explicitly referred to his being non-Japanese as a factor. “But they wanted me to come to work even when I had 40-degree fever. Of course, I left!” Patrick adds that some of his foreigner friends managed to get higher in their companies’ pecking order, but “they had no life.” Even when they have a steady income, men who do not have a stable job can be harassed. Jack, a U.S. Navy veteran retired after 20 years of service, receives retirement benefits from the U.S. government. However, his Japanese in-laws see him as a leech: His wife is working while he is back at school. “They just do not get it!” he fumes. “I spent 20 years in the navy working every f——— day. I am tired of explaining that I am getting paid.” Another huge problem is integration. According to Nana Oishi, a researcher specializing in migrations and Japanese studies, the greatest barrier in the workplace for foreigners is not language. In her study, which involved interviews with non-Japanese working in the country, “several respondents expressed frustration that their Japanese colleagues were not communicating sufficiently either with them or with each other.” An acquaintance of mine, John — fluent in Japanese — was exasperated when, after three weeks on the new job and with no training or help from co-workers, he was asked to complete a project. “They expect me to know how to do it perfectly without any explanation!” he complains. In the end, John had to contact the management overseas for help with integration into his work environment. Integration outside of the workplace is also often a challenge, especially for men who are expected to have a full-time job, be the main provider for the family and, therefore, often find themselves with fewer opportunities than women to engage in social activities and make friends with Japanese. Forming personal relationships with the locals is an essential part of the process of adjusting to a new country, but Japan is recognized as being a society withlow relational mobility, i.e., people have fewer opportunities to form relationships and terminate old ones. It is also a collectivistic culture, and thus it is difficult for foreigners to enter existing social groups and circles. Most of the time it is necessary to belong to some social group to establish and maintain friendships with Japanese. Despite all the difficulties, it seems that it is relatively easy for foreign men to get married to Japanese women. And while those women are usually the least traditional — and the most likely to avoid the dreaded shufu transformation — intercultural communication always has a potential for misunderstanding and unintended offense. A couple’s expectations of marriage and family also might not match. Since family is one of the bedrocks of emotional support, this situation may result in lowered psychological comfort and overall wellbeing. Nihonjinron — the largely discredited but still widely held idea that Japanese are an especially homogenous and unique people — can also complicate the situation. Although openly aggressive racism is rare, discrimination can be cloaked in the form of polite questions regarding a foreigner’s country of origin and ethnic background, their time of arrival in and departure from Japan, praise of their language and chopstick skills, and even unsolicited explanations of culture, food, tradition and so on. These words may sound quite innocent, but they can also convey very strong messages of exclusion and inferiority. Acculturation studies connect experienced and perceived discrimination and subtle forms of racism, such as racial “microaggressions,” to mental and physical problems. People may experience anxiety, stress, anger, frustration, helplessness, psychosomatic symptoms and academic and work problems. All of this leads to lower life satisfaction. Of course, foreign women are also subject to long hours, discrimination, microaggressions and problems related to these phenomena. However, studies have shown that women are generally better at recognizing andexpressing emotions, and hence they ask for help more often. They also usually have better access to emotional support, which is predominantly provided by female social groups. There is a lot said and written about women. There is a whole industry dedicated to dealing with the effects of sexism, misogyny and other problems specific to women. A woman knows she is not alone; a man does not. Men are trapped in “men do not cry” mentality. They are discouraged from complaining and prefer to keep their emotions and stress to themselves. Instead they engage in self-destructive behaviors such as excessive drinking, smoking and promiscuity. And here we come to the “party boys.” How many of them are indeed pure hedonists who have pledged their souls to the pursuit of fun? There is an interesting type of depression that has been recognized recently by some psychologists called “masked depression.” Clinical psychologists theorize that men are more susceptible to this variant than the standard “sad” form. Excessive partying can be one of the ways this type of depression manifests itself, with all the “fun” just a means of concealing the overall unhappiness and lowered self-esteem a man is suffering from. Having read this far, the outlook for Western men may appear bleak, but foreigners — and especially men — are by no means doomed to a miserable existence in Japan. There are examples of well-adjusted expatriates living a happy life here. So what is their secret? Having non-Japanese friends and co-workers helps a lot. Not only can you use your native language, but the patterns of communication, expectations and levels of self-disclosure tend to be quite similar, and therefore it is often easier to build and develop relationships. The fact that we are all foreigners here “in the same boat” is a perfect icebreaker. But perhaps the most important thing is to admit and fully accept that we can never fully assimilate in Japan. We can never become Japanese, and this is not necessarily a bad thing. Ken Seeroi, the author of the popular blog Japanese Rule of 7, writes, “It seems you can either spend a lifetime trying to prove you’re as good as the worst Japanese person, or opt out and just be ‘foreign.’ ” Embracing your non-Japaneseness, just being yourself, exploiting the “gaijinpower” your outsider status affords you and simply enjoying the ride are the best ways to avoid the trap of loneliness and misery. 1
Johnnieboy Posté 12 mai 2015 Signaler Posté 12 mai 2015 Très intéressant mais la conclusion me semble fausse. Si Lafcadio Hearn a réussi à obtenir la chaire de littérature à Todai, c'est bien parce qu'il était considéré comme un Japonais à part entière. Et c'était il y a plus de cent ans, lorsque les préjugés japonais envers les étrangers devaient être beaucoup plus répandus et forts.
G7H+ Posté 12 mai 2015 Signaler Posté 12 mai 2015 hors sujet : j'aime bien leur maquette meme si ca manque de blocs
Cthulhu Posté 12 mai 2015 Signaler Posté 12 mai 2015 Ça ressemble beaucoup aux longs et intéressants posts que Filthy John écrivait de son expérience au Japon.
Citronne Posté 15 mai 2015 Auteur Signaler Posté 15 mai 2015 Très intéressant mais la conclusion me semble fausse. Si Lafcadio Hearn a réussi à obtenir la chaire de littérature à Todai, c'est bien parce qu'il était considéré comme un Japonais à part entière. Et c'était il y a plus de cent ans, lorsque les préjugés japonais envers les étrangers devaient être beaucoup plus répandus et forts. Même s'il est bon de rappeler justement ce statut particulier des gaijin males au Japon, j'ai du mal à être compatissante envers les hommes gaijin qui tombent facilement dans le "piège" du Japon où la vie parait soi-disant facile et où le succès auprès de la gent féminine peut sembler attrayant au premier abord. Il est loin d'être difficile de comprendre les aspects culturels de la société japonaise envers les étrangers et de comprendre que la majorité de ces facilités avec les jeunes filles japonaises ne sont souvent qu'un leurre menant vers de nombreuses déconvenues au fur et à mesure du temps. J'ai rencontré bon nombre de Gaijin qui se retrouvent désillusionnés au bout de quelques années de vie commune avec leur chère et tendre en se rendant compte que l'éducation conservatrice japonaise est ce qu'elle est et prédomine bien souvent. Et encore, ont-ils eu la "chance" de pouvoir se marier avec car combien se retrouvent également victime de cette douce illusion de la relation amoureuse en espérant qu'avec les bons côtés (aspect traditionnel du rôle de la femme, etc.) n'arriveront pas les mauvais (traditionnel = les parents ont encore beaucoup leurs mots à dire).
Marlenus Posté 15 mai 2015 Signaler Posté 15 mai 2015 Vaut mieux faire comme Bruno Gollnisch. Tu épouses la japonaise mais tu restes vivre en France.
Citronne Posté 8 juillet 2015 Auteur Signaler Posté 8 juillet 2015 Up avec un graph que je trouve très intéressant : Je me doutais pour l'aéronautique ayant travaillé dans le secteur mais je n'aurai pas pensé pour le pharmaceutique. En revanche je suis également étonnée pour le Solde Public
Rincevent Posté 8 juillet 2015 Signaler Posté 8 juillet 2015 En revanche je suis également étonnée pour le Solde PublicPour ma part, je ne suis pas étonné une seule seconde. Le Japon s'enterre dans la dette chaque année, et ce n'est pas un hasard si ils en sont à plus de 200% de dette/PIB au total.Pour te donner une idée, au plus fort de la dernière crise, la majorité des ressources de l'État japonais provenait de l'emprunt, et non de l'impôt.
Tramp Posté 16 novembre 2015 Signaler Posté 16 novembre 2015 Le Japon était encore en récession au 3e trimestre.
Hugh Posté 16 novembre 2015 Signaler Posté 16 novembre 2015 Salut. Et le "parti libéral" est keynésienne? La solution il va imprimer plus d'argent. Super.... Merci.
Hayek's plosive Posté 17 novembre 2015 Signaler Posté 17 novembre 2015 On m'a raconté hier que les Abenomics sont passés parce que c'est la même politique qui a été menée par la BoJ dans les années 30 et que c'est grâce à ça qu'ils sont sortis de la crise un an plus tôt. Smells like bullshit spirit.
Nigel Posté 17 novembre 2015 Signaler Posté 17 novembre 2015 Je trouve les japonaises plutôt moches... Manque de forme et trop petite. Remarque à la con 1 1
Hayek's plosive Posté 17 novembre 2015 Signaler Posté 17 novembre 2015 C'était la description de première main qu'en faisait Filthy John.
Tramp Posté 17 novembre 2015 Signaler Posté 17 novembre 2015 Je trouve les japonaises plutôt moches... Manque de forme et trop petite. Remarque à la con :/
FabriceM Posté 17 novembre 2015 Signaler Posté 17 novembre 2015 (modifié) C'était la description de première main qu'en faisait Filthy John. A la nuance près que, de temps en temps, il y en a une qui te retourne la tête comme nulle part ailleurs. (je paraphrase, mais c'était l'idée) Edit :ète/?p=1080203 Ce qui justement notable, c'est que malgré le gommage des défauts et l'accentuation de la symétrie, la Japonaise "moyenne" n'est pas terrible. La conclusion s'impose d'elle-même : dans leur ensemble, les Nippones sont assez vilaines. C'est aussi ce que je constate, et je pense que toute personne ayant passé quelques semaines au Japon conclurait d'ailleurs de la même manière. La majeure partie des filles du pays sont plutôt quelconque, et ne sont sauvées que par la qualité de leur maquillage. Et là-dessus, un important pourcentage de laiderons finit d'achever la moyenne. Par contre, il y a une petite minorité de demoiselles belles à s'en damner. Sur les (dizaines de ?) milliers de jouvencelles que je croise quotidiennement, il y en a toujours quelques-unes qui me sidèrent à un point tel que je me retrouve inconsciemment à les dévisager en souriant bêtement, comme touché par la grâce, et n'arrive à me détacher de leur vision qu'après un bel effort de volonté. Et ça, ça ne m'arrive que face à des Japonaises. Modifié 17 novembre 2015 par FabriceM
Neomatix Posté 17 novembre 2015 Signaler Posté 17 novembre 2015 Je trouve les japonaises plutôt moches... Manque de forme et trop petite. Remarque à la con Toi il va t'arriver des bricoles... Tiens, des mochetés trop petites.
Nigel Posté 18 novembre 2015 Signaler Posté 18 novembre 2015 C'est sûr que si tu prends des mannequins aussi^^
Johnnieboy Posté 18 novembre 2015 Signaler Posté 18 novembre 2015 Je trouve que les Japonaises sont avant tout très féminines, ce qui peut les rendre désirables sans être jolies.
TODA Posté 18 novembre 2015 Signaler Posté 18 novembre 2015 Moi, j'ai dû être un mec, dans une vie antérieure, amoureux d'une japonaise.... Une certaine courbe de cou, une nuque dégagée par un lourd chignon...le top de la sensualité féminine pour moi.... Mon petit dernier amateur de mangas a une collection de pin up du style. et certaines sont très "réussies"... ( J'aime presque autant que Paulette et Joseph de Pichard/lob) Moi, en tous cas, une belle fille style manga ça me ferais bien rigoler! (il en aussi quelques photos dans sa collection privée...intéressantes..mais il ne fréquente pas le forum!) .
Stephdumas Posté 9 avril 2016 Signaler Posté 9 avril 2016 Je dépoussière ce fil. J'ai repéré cet article du Japan News via TheDailySheelple qui mentionnait que le gouvernement japonais veut essayer de tester les empreintes digitales comme "monnaie" dès cette été pour élargir ce système en vue des jeux olympiques de 2020 de Tokyo.
Adrian Posté 17 septembre 2016 Signaler Posté 17 septembre 2016 According to the Japan Times, a new survey of Japanese people ages 18 to 34 found that 70 percent of unmarried men and 60 percent of unmarried women are not in a relationship. It gets worse: Around 42 percent of men and 44.2 percent of women admitted that they were virgins.
Nigel Posté 17 septembre 2016 Signaler Posté 17 septembre 2016 On les connaît depuis longtemps ces chiffres non ? C'est le Japon. De manière cynique, les japonaises répondent qu'elles veulent des riches en plus : Bref ça promet pour l'avenir de ce pays... Et par pitié qu'on nous sorte pas le coup (loupé) des robots.
Fenster Posté 18 septembre 2016 Signaler Posté 18 septembre 2016 Et par pitié qu'on nous sorte pas le coup (loupé) des robots. Assez d'accord. Ce qui marchera par contre c'est le clonage par imprimante 3D biologique , ou création de modèles, que tu pourra configurer pour ta pomme. Mark my words! Quoi je suis trop loin dans le turfu??
Adrian Posté 10 septembre 2018 Signaler Posté 10 septembre 2018 Pas des travaux universitaires et deux vidéos assez connu mais cool :
Adrian Posté 30 août 2019 Signaler Posté 30 août 2019 Tokyo est la ville la plus sûre au monde Correspond donc à sa réputation
Nigel Posté 8 septembre 2019 Signaler Posté 8 septembre 2019 Le Japon est monde à part. Le pays vit une crise démographique dangereuse, même tout le monde est calme. ^^
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