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Surtout que le flamby attendait la victoire histoire que le moral des français reparte à la hausse et bin c'est raté!! Il aurait surfé sur la vague quelques temps et là, plouf il a coulé! ahahaha j'adore!

C'est clair que Chirac avait fait le jackpot.


Dans une tribune d'un match de foute, sa veste est donc boutonnée... Intéressant phénomène.


Et enfin un peu de glucides et une chanson des années 1980 (ringard ou pas je vous laisse le choix) :







[...] She points out, too, that the Jewish community faced an awkward problem during Prohibition precisely because wine is so central to Jewish ritual. Negotiations were opened with Prohibition officials, and the result was that rabbis were authorized to distribute wine to their congregants, and licensed shops were opened where “Kosher Wine for Sacramental Purposes” was available for purchase.


Even Jewish observers, however, questioned whether the millions of gallons of wine that were purchased by Jews were actually for ritual use. “If these figures were a true index of Jewish devotion to the historical customs of their forefathers,” cracked one Jewish publication, “it would indicate a rapid growth of Judaism.” And Davis points out that “rabbis” of dubious authenticity “claimed new and enormous congregations filled with members named Houlihan and Maguire.”



Fun fact, mais ça aurait au moins autant eu sa place dans images intéressantes.

Ceci étant, je ne suis qu'à moitié étonné. Ce sont aussi des Juifs pratiquants, les frères Schechter, qui ont fait tomber le premier New Deal.

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