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D'après les collègues sur place, les places dans les écoles publiques sont attribuées via un tirage au sort, mais les gamins originaires de quartiers où les résultats moyens aux tests standardisés sont faibles ont un "bonus" à cette lotterie.

SF, cette cours des miracles où le socialisme est maintenu en vie grâce aux fortunes gagnées par la silicon valley. Les resultats sont amusants :mrgreen:

Sent from my LG-H812 using Tapatalk

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Il y a 3 heures, Jensen a dit :

D'après les collègues sur place, les places dans les écoles publiques sont attribuées via un tirage au sort, mais les gamins originaires de quartiers où les résultats moyens aux tests standardisés sont faibles ont un "bonus" à cette lotterie.

Merveilleux tirage au sort qui rend tout le monde égal... Mais de façon à donner les résultats attendus quand même.

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My divorce was death by a thousand paper cuts. The final straw was something a little different.


I wanted to go to my local micro center and browse the afternoon away. She decided to go with me and sit in the car. As I’m wandering at the glory that is tech, I’m in the BYOPC department looking at a motherboard. This couple in their 20s walks up to the CPU case and the guy lays down this nerd stream about the latest AMD processor. She’s listening, let’s him finish his overview of thread counts and proceeds to bust his balls about it. But it was so sweet. So caring. It was the cutest thing I’d ever seen. She didn’t understand but she loved him. And loved what a giant dork he was.


It was in that moment I realized that I would never have that with the person I’m with and even if I could find a way to get there with her I don’t want it. I had struggled for a few years with all the excuses of not getting out. Oddly enough that exchange between strangers was what did it for me.


Nerd ! :icon_tourne:

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