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Il y a 23 heures, ttoinou a dit :

Article indispo pour moi mais j'croyais qu'en nanarcapie rothbardienne c'était 1 oeil pour 2 yeux, dent pour 2 dents i.e. on a le droit naturel de répliquer à deux fois (réparer le dommage + infliger la même chose). Causer du tort physiquement c'est pas pareil que prendre une possession 

Ils ont aussi violé la propriété (le terrain) techniquement. Sinon tu les repousses comment tes voleurs ? En leur demandant gentiment ? En appelant la police🙃?

  • 2 weeks later...

Via Scott Alexander (




33: I used to hope that freedom and tolerance would win in the end because everyone would realize that they were weird and unpopular in some way, and so tolerating weird unpopular people was in everybody’s common interest (cf. “They came for the Communists, but I did not complain…). Since then the world has taken every opportunity to disabuse me of the notion that this could ever possibly work, but I guess it’s still possible to disappoint me. The latest example is /r/forcedbreeding, a fetish subreddit fetish about men enslaving, raping, and forceably impregnating women, which shut down recently to protest Reddit for not censoring pro-Russian subreddits enough. Apparently they’re back up now, but their top stickied post is still a demand that Reddit ban anti-COVID-vaccine subreddits. Another metaphor for life?


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  • Haha 1
Il y a 12 heures, Rincevent a dit :

Promis, ce n'est pas moi ! 

Ils n'ont pas tout emporté, on se doute bien que tu ne ferais pas ce gâchis.

Il y a 5 heures, Sekonda a dit :

Ils n'ont pas tout emporté, on se doute bien que tu ne ferais pas ce gâchis.

Et de toute façon, "des individus bien organisés", ça ne peut pas être moi. :lol:

  • Haha 4
il y a 11 minutes, Sekonda a dit :


Nan mais évidemment, si ils changent le design en cours de route... :lol: 


(Je note par ailleurs que tu suis des gens fort intéressants.)

  • 2 weeks later...

L'histoire du chercheur dans cette image sur PCM m'a intrigué.




J'ai trouvé en commentaire le lien vers l'article (inutilement tapageur) qui parle des retombées de cette publication :


Ce qui m'a permis de retrouver le fameux papier (pas trivial puisqu'il a été retiré par l'éditeur), et je ne regrette pas d'avoir perdu mon temps :icon_ptdr:


Andersson, K. (2022). I am not alone–we are all alone: Using masturbation as an ethnographic method in research on shota subculture in Japan. Qualitative Research, 14687941221096600.
I wanted to understand how my research participants experience sexual pleasure when reading shota, a Japanese genre of self-published erotic comics that features young boy characters. I therefore started reading the comics in the same way as my research participants had told me that they did it: while masturbating. In this research note, I will recount how I set up an experimental method of masturbating to shota comics, and how this participant observation of my own desire not only gave me a more embodied understanding of the topic for my research but also made me think about loneliness and ways to combat it as driving forces of the culture of self-published erotic comics.



Audre Lorde (1997: 282) has written: ‘The erotic cannot be felt secondhand.’ Indeed. And so I realized that my body was equipped with a research tool of its own that could give me, quite literally, a first-hand understanding of shota.

Pour une fois qu'un de ces chercheurs postmodernes a un humour pas complètement horrible...



Despite the importance of understanding all aspects of being human, research on sexuality is often seen as ‘dirty work’ (Irvine, 2014: 633), and researchers, not least of sexually explicit comics, are vulnerable to accusations of having a ‘prurient’ interest in their research topic (Madill, 2018: 270); studying lolicon made Patrick W. Galbraith (2017) ‘the lolicon guy’, publishing a seminal book on pornographic films turned Linda Williams (1999: ix) into ‘a professor of “porn”’, and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick (2008: 59) felt the need to justify why she, as a woman, wrote about gay men. Why are you interested in this? seems to be the lurking question that researchers want to beat critics to.

Eh oui mon gars tu savais très bien comment ça allait finir...



the monstrous figure of ‘the masturbator’ (Sedgwick, 2008: 9) is still invoked in discussions. A recent article on the ‘foul’ practice of masturbating to someone’s Facebook photos can serve as example. The author uses the terms ‘perpetrators and victims’ and describes the masturbators as ‘very awful people’ (Zia, 2017). In a time when sex discourse flourishes and companies routinely paint their logotypes in rainbow colours to profit on a sexually liberal image, it seems that the worst sin is to simply be alone.

Spicy take.



This is how I set out to use masturbation as a method:

For a period of 3 months, I would masturbate only to shota comics. For this purpose, I would use dōjinshi and commercial volumes that I have bought or been given during fieldwork in Japan. In short: I would masturbate in the same way that my research participants did it. After each masturbation session I would write down my thoughts and feelings – a kind of critical self-reflection – in a notebook, as well as details about which material I had used, where I had done it, at what time, and for how long. I would not be allowed to have any other sexual relief during this ‘fieldwork’ in my own sexuality: no regular porn, no sex with another person, no fantasies or memories – it had to be shota every time. I happened to live alone during this experiment, and I had newly become single after a long relationship – these factors probably contributed to my willingness and eagerness to explore this method.

Discipliné mais déprimé, donc. Je suppose que c'est une forme de sublimation.


Trigger warning si vous êtes tentés d'aller retrouver le texte en entier, il y a de brèves descriptions de "notes de masturbation" qui décrivent brièvement des scènes de cul (bah oui). Exemple SFW :


Took long time before any action. I read everything and once they started undressing and comparing their cocks I came immediately.



By coming to a particular story, I have shared a fantasy with both the other readers and with the creator of that fantasy. This gave me a feeling of intimacy, and made me understand why every dōjinshi ends with an atogaki, an afterword, where the author writes a bit about the work and thanks the readers for their support, because this little greeting signalled that we were in this together. The whole structure surrounding the shared imaginations of shota and other genres creates a ‘feeling of oneness’ or ittaikan (Galbraith, 2011: 224), which I would not have become part of without reading the works the way they were intended to be read: while masturbating.

Ça fait chaud au coeur quelque part.



Masturbating became a thing, almost something I planned for, and something I knew would take at least half an hour (partly because I took notes afterwards), whereas previously it had always been improvised. And so my masturbation frequency went down from daily to two or three times a week. In a way, quality replaced quantity. It may not be a coincidence that I kept up a healthy lifestyle in general during this period. For example, I stopped eating sugar, which in a way is the porn of food as it creates a dopamine rush of instant satisfaction.

Les nutritionnistes de liborg approuveront.



My desire did not only emanate from the content of the dōjinshi, but from the fact that other people too were excited by this often extreme content and masturbated to it. Safely separated in time and space, we were sharing a sexual moment and maybe coming on the same pages, to the same frames. I did not want to see these people (at least not while I was masturbating), but just knowing that we were, in a way, doing it together added something to my pleasure. This feeling was enhanced when I read a secondhand dōjinshi, which I assumed had been used for masturbation by its previous owner, and thus been ‘charged’, like a magic charm that would continue to bring happiness to new owners.

Ok je fais de mon mieux pour garder un esprit ouvert mais là tu m'as perdu...



Thinking more critically about my own masturbation also made me wonder if all sex is masturbation, in the sense that people are focused on their own pleasure and use other people as ‘masturbation material’. This is most evident in various forms of cybersex, which has been described as ‘a novel masturbatory innovation’ (Waskul et al., 2000: 388), since the partners are physically separated. But the autoerotic aspect of sex is there even when we are physically together, and certain sexual practices enhance this aspect, as Pat Califia (2004) notes: ‘Some forms of masochism and fetishism are actually very sophisticated and complex forms of masturbation.’ Similarly, constructions like darkrooms, where people have sex without seeing each other, or glory holes, which conceal everything but the penis or a body orifice, let us build up the other as a fantasy in our heads from a minimal piece of actual flesh. To a varying extent, that’s what we always do when we have sex with someone. We’re all alone, no matter if we are physically alone or not.

And at the same time, we are not alone. When we masturbate, someone else is always there. During this fieldwork, others were there with me, both in the form of the characters that populated the dōjinshi, but also in the form of the invisible creator of these characters and the other readers who were enjoying them. In addition, my head was visited by people from my past, people I had seen on the street, my ex-partner. It’s impossible for your brain to be blank during masturbation, which is why Blinne (2012) invited ‘you’ to hers. It may very well be that masturbation is the activity during which we are least alone. That, in turn, may explain what drives dōjinshi culture: a yearning for being less alone in a society permeated by loneliness on a large scale (Kato et al., 2017).

Conclusion un peu gentillette. Bon au final on est d'accord que ce n'est pas de la recherche révolutionnaire mais franchement par rapport à toutes les horreurs qui peuvent sortir en sciences sociales c'est plutôt sincère et bien intentionné. Pas de quoi sortir le Flammenwerfer.

  • Haha 2

Gadounet en avait causé. On publie vraiment de ces trucs, de nos jours... :icon_tourne:

  • 2 weeks later...
Il y a 23 heures, Soda a dit :

J'ai vraiment du mal à croire que ça existe, c'est extraordinaire le capitalisme. Dite moi que c'est une arnaque.


La Mousse à Plouf (


Dans le même genre il y a Poo-Pourri sur le marché américain. Ils avaient fait des pubs assez mémorables ;)



Je me rappelle aussi avoir vu un autre produit à base de mousse mais je ne retrouve pas les pubs... 

  • Haha 1

lu chez un voisin dans ses chiottes:

"pisser sans péter c'est comme un défilé sans trompettes"

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
il y a 47 minutes, Lameador a dit :

Génève est-elle en train de devenir une zone de non-droit

Bof. Une zone de non droit c'est un peu plus étendu qu'un commissariat dans lequel des policiers bourrés font les cons.


il y a 44 minutes, Lameador a dit :

Fusillades dans un commissariats, policiers blessés ... Génève est-elle en train de devenir une zone de non-droit ?

Je viens de voir passer ça. La RTS offre quand même un traitement assez différent à cette affaire (el famoso "Ivre, " + connerie).


"Le tireur a été prévenu de mise en danger de la vie d'autrui, de lésions corporelles par négligence et d'entrave aux mesures de constatation de la capacité de conduire."

1 hour ago, Bisounours said:

Bof. Une zone de non droit c'est un peu plus étendu qu'un commissariat dans lequel des policiers bourrés font les cons.

40 minutes ago, Rincevent said:

Je viens de voir passer ça. La RTS offre quand même un traitement assez différent à cette affaire (el famoso "Ivre, " + connerie).


Successful troll is successful - Boxxy is success. No disappoint. -  quickmeme



Un chasseur meurt, percuté par un cerf...


(mode complotiste/écrivain: ou alors il a été tué d'une flêche (chasse à l'arc) et le meurtre camouflé en accident en abimant le corps avec des bois de cerf)



TIL le proverbe (et ses variation):

« Le sanglier c’est la civière, le cerf c’est la bière »

"Au sanglier le barbier, au cerf la bière"

"le sanglier la civière, le cerf la pierre"



  • 2 weeks later...


Une Mexicaine poignarde son mari après avoir trouvé des photos de lui avec une autre femme, jeune, mince et maquillée. Plot twist : ces photos étaient anciennes, et cette femme, plus jeune, c'était elle-même, peu après leur rencontre.

  • Sad 1
  • Haha 5

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