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Traductions pour Contrepoints, Wikiberal et autres

Nick de Cusa

Messages recommandés

Voila le message que j'ai envoyé :



can I ask you if we can create a partnership between you and our site "", a liberal-libertarian belgian-french news website, to translate and publish in French your article appearing on this site weekly?


Thank for your consideration. Best regards.


Et sa réponse :


We can certainly open such a conversation.

As I understand it the rights to pieces at The Register revert to me
48 hours after publication. Given the sort of time it will take to
translate a piece that means that a Friday publication of the
Wednesday column should be entirely reasonable. You would just be able
to pick it up from The Register, translate, and as long as you publish
48 hours after the original all should be fine.

The obvious question then is what would you like to offer for such
re-publicaton? Think along the lines of making a monthly (not a per
piece, just a monthly fee) payment to my PayPal account in euros. How
much do you wish to offer?



Je ne me permettrais pas de répondre à votre place. Du coup, quelle sera votre réponse ?

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Oh merde, il demande du pognon. Je laisse les rédac'chefs répondre, mais a priori ce serait non. Et c'est dommage, parce que ses textes sont bons et souvent drôles.

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La dernière fois qu'un auteur m'a demandé ça, je lui ai expliqué qu'on était tous bénévoles et qu'un paiement n'était pas envisageable, je lui ai donné les chiffres du nombre important de visiteurs de Contrepoints en expliquant que c'était dans son intérêt de faire connaitre son point de vue au maximum de gens possible, et j'ai eu l'autorisation...


Tante le coup, on ne sait jamais, le culot souvent ça marche !

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Je pense lui renvoyer ce message avec les chiffres de fréquentation :


our website is administered by an association named libé We don't receive any subsidy and survive only thanks to donations from our members and our readers. Therefore, our financial resources are too limited to be able to pay you but we can ensure you that, thanks to the popularity of our site, you will have a popularity gain in francophone countries and contribute to the expansion of liberal ideas.

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