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Les jeunes hommes passent de plus en plus de temps sur leur ordinateur au lieu de travailler


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Young men are working less and playing video games more, according to a National Bureau of Economic Research study published Monday.

Men ages 21 to 30 years old worked 12 percent fewer hours in 2015 than they did in 2000, the economists found. Around 15 percent of young men worked zero weeks in 2015, a rate nearly double that of 2000.


Since 2004, young men have increasingly allocated more of their free time to playing video games and other computer-related activities, according to the study. Thirty-five percent of young men are living at home with their parents or a close relative, up 12 percent since 2000.


The results of the economists’ research are interesting, considering there are 10 million American men ages 24 to 64 that have completely dropped out of the workforce. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in June that there were nearly 6 million jobs waiting to be filled. The U.S. job market has consistently posted gains around or above 200,000 new jobs per month in 2017.


The results of Monday’s study could suggest that, instead of actively seeking work in an economy with millions of open jobs, young men are choosing to stay at home and play video games.




Younger men, ages 21 to 30, exhibited a larger decline in work hours over the last fifteen years than older men or women. Since 2004, time-use data show that younger men distinctly shifted their leisure to video gaming and other recreational computer activities. We propose a framework to answer whether improved leisure technology played a role in reducing younger men's labor supply. The starting point is a leisure demand system that parallels that often estimated for consumption expenditures. We show that total leisure demand is especially sensitive to innovations in leisure luxuries, that is, activities that display a disproportionate response to changes in total leisure time. We estimate that gaming/recreational computer use is distinctly a leisure luxury for younger men. Moreover, we calculate that innovations to gaming/recreational computing since 2004 explain on the order of half the increase in leisure for younger men, and predict a decline in market hours of 1.5 to 3.0 percent, which is 38 and 79 percent of the differential decline relative to older men.


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C'était le dossier du Reason du mois dernier: en bref les hommes jeunes retardent leur entrée sur le marché du travail (et leur acquisition de logement) pour jouer aux jeux video, ce qui les rend bien plus heureux que leurs parents au même âge.

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 Je suis très curieux de savoir à quoi ressemblera notre génération à 50 ans. Les hommes politiques du futur seront sans doute rigolo :P Les parents que nous serons promettent aussi beaucoup - même si j'ai tendance à penser qu'on fera de moins de en moins de gosses. 

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Il y a 5 heures, Nigel a dit :

 Je suis très curieux de savoir à quoi ressemblera notre génération à 50 ans.


Je pense que c'est largement imprévisible, car ça dépend en grande partie des événements (politiques, économiques, technologiques, etc.) qui marqueront notre génération. Comme dirait Marx, le capitalisme est obligé de constamment révolutionner les rapports de production, et par suite les rapports sociaux.

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Il y a 3 heures, Adrian a dit :

Pourquoi les jeunes hommes sont-ils tant intéressés par ces activités liées à l'ordinateur ? Pas forcément que les jeux vidéos.

Parce que Fabian Thylmann a eu une influence sur l'humanité équivalente à celle de Mark Zuckerberg, sans être aussi connu.

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