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Le vajazzling, le "tuning" des vagins a un nouveau concurrent… Un reportage à la 17e édition du South Florida Tattoo Expo, à l'hôtel Marriott, fait état d'une nouvelle tendance chez les jeunes : le tatouage anal.

Une jeune femme a accepté de se faire tatouer la zone intime devant tout le monde. "J'ai fait mon premier tatouage à 17 ans", explique-t-elle à la caméra de The New Times Broward Palm Beach. "Une amie à moi a prétendu être ma mère, j'ai donc pu avoir un tatouage de fée sur le dos." Elle a ensuite continué avec des tatouages de plus en plus surprenants. Dont les tatouages à l'anus. "J'ai deux noms de mecs là-bas", dit-elle, sans être bégueule.

Finalement le tramp stamp c'est pas si mal que ça.

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La résistance Russe se fait enfermer :

Breaking news: Kasparov arrested and beaten at Pussy Riot trial

17.08.2012 – The former World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov was beaten and arrested outside the Moscow court house where the Pussy Riot trial is taking place. Kasparov was not protesting, but simply trying to attend the reading of the verdict – two years' prison for three young women who staged a church protest in February. He was cornered and arrested. Reports, links and dramatic film footage.

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Choses qu'on lit en buvant un dernier verre (d'eau, sisi) avant le dodo.

SOCIETE - Crémations vertes ou cimetières forestiers, les funérailles aussi peuvent être écolos…

Après avoir passé sa vie à réduire son empreinte environnementale, la dernière volonté d’un écolo sera sans doute de partir sans laisser de traces. Pour répondre à une demande croissante, les cimetières et les pompes funèbres rivalisent d’imagination pour proposer des obsèques vertes. Petit tour d’horizon des méthodes écolos pour que le dernier souffle ne soit pas aussi celui de la planète.

Bien choisir son cercueil

Le choix du cercueil est crucial pour réussir son enterrement écolo: en bois trop massif, il mettra trop longtemps à brûler dans le crématorium, et s’il n’est pas issu de forêts gérées durablement, il contribuera à réduire le couvert forestier de la planète. De plus en plus d’entreprises de pompes funèbres proposent des cercueils en bois certifié, mais certaines vont plus loin en éliminant les solvants et les colles qui peuvent polluer les sols.

La société française AB Crémation propose des cercueils en cellulose, amidon de maïs et de pomme de terre, capitonné en lin. Un petit décor, cœur en bois, épi de blé ou bâton de cannelle rend le tout un peu moins austère. Sinon, on peut aussi choisir un des très jolis modèles fleuris: Amaryllis, Fleur de pavot ou Papillon, il y en a pour tous les goûts. Pour 350 euros environ, les cercueils en carton sont biodégradables mais sont aussi écologiquement intéressants si l’on envisage une crémation: ils ne mettent qu’environ 45 minutes à brûler, contre deux heures en moyenne pour un cercueil en bois.

De la poussière à la poussière

Avant d’être recueillies dans une petite urne en carton toute simple, les cendres des défunts consomment de l’énergie. Pour ne pas la perdre, la ville de Redditch, près de Birmingham en Angleterre, envisage de chauffer le nouveau complexe sportif grâce à la chaleur émise par le crématorium voisin. Ce qui n’empêche pas l’émission d’oxyde d’azote ou de monoxyde de carbone…

Pour éviter de polluer l’atmosphère en se transformant en poussière, une technique appelée «resomation», développée en Ecosse et en plein essor aux Etats-Unis, propose de dissoudre le corps humain dans de l’eau alcaline. Après un bain de trois heures dans une eau à environ 150°C, il ne reste plus qu’une poudre blanche et on a économisé en moyenne 85% d’énergie par rapport à une crémation traditionnelle. Autre solution: la promession, une technique développée en Suède qui consiste à plonger le corps dans de l’azote liquide, à le refroidir à -196°C puis, une fois devenu friable, à le placer sur une table vibrante pour le réduire en petites particules.

Une dernière demeure au vert

Le choix de l’endroit où déposer son urne ou son cercueil est important. En Australie, un parc pour «enterrement naturel» a été aménagé pour les habitants de Sydney: pas de pierre tombale ni de plaque commémorative mais des cercueils en pin ou osier non traité où reposent des défunts habillés de vêtements biodégradables et équipés d’une puce reliée à un GPS pour que les familles puissent localiser l’endroit où déposer leur gerbe. En Allemagne, c’est au cœur d’une forêt que les urnes biodégradables peuvent être déposées: dans le Friedwald près de Sarrebruck, on peut louer un arbre ou partager une sépulture avec d’autres amoureux décédés de la nature. Les urnes deviennent compost et font grandir les arbres, qui portent de discrètes pancartes indiquant le nom de ceux qui reposent sous leurs racines.

Et pour ceux qui préfèrent finir en mer, une entreprise de pompes funèbres américaine propose de transformer les morts en récifs marins: le concept, baptisé «Eternal reefs» (récifs éternels), consiste à mélanger les cendres à du ciment pour former un bloc qui servira d’habitat aux mollusques, crustacés et poissons. Les vers ne seront pas jaloux: avec tous les produits chimiques que nous respirons ou consommons, les cadavres ne sont plus un mets de choix pour les asticots.

Audrey Chauvet

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Deux ans de camp pour les Pussy Riot :


Autant elles ont abusé avec leur clip lamentable dans une cathédrale, et méritaient bien une punition, autant deux ans ferme… vindiou !

J'suis partagé entre :

-ce sont des punks, elles ont joués avec le feu, c'était voulu, prévu, elles s'attendaient à ça, on savait que ça finirais mal, elles l'ont cherché.

et entre :

-Russie, quel pays de merde.

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Un puéril : "c'est bien fait pour leur gueule" m'est venu à l'esprit lorsque j'ai vu la vidéo où elles se comportent comme des sales connes hystériques dans une église.

Pour ce qui me concerne, on sait ce que je pense de ce genre de pantalonnades dans les lieux de culte. Je ne préciserai pas donc que j'aurais bien voulu voir ce que ce genre de facéties auraient donné si elles avaient eu lieu dans une mosquée ou une synagogue. M'est avis que cela n'aurait pas forcément été la même limonade.

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Putin, Pu**y Riot, and the 'Punk Prayer'

Posted by Daniel McAdams on August 17, 2012 07:31 AM

Western media coverage of the Russian organization known as "Pussy Riot" (PR) has been among the most egregiously distorted in recent memory — in an era where Western media coverage of most everything about Russia is agonizingly superficial and propagandistic. Now that they have been found guilty of hooliganism it is worth stepping back and looking at this group and the media phenomenon surrounding it a bit more clearly.

These young women are uniformly portrayed as an innocent punk rock protest group who have had their freedom of expression shut down by the evil monster Vladimir Putin who just cannot help crushing anyone and anything opposed to his government because he was once in the Russian KGB! It is as simple as that for the Western press. And those creations of the Western media, the various vapid pop stars and other entertainers, who have through history served as useful idiots to push the cause of the day, have all lined up against the KGB monster who wants to silence all dissent and bring back the Soviet Union.

That so much about the infamous incident of February 21, 2012, when this group ascended the altar of Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in central Moscow clad in bright clothing which masked their identities to scream out a poem, remains unreported, unexplored, unconsidered speaks volumes about the Western media abrogation of its historic role in a free society. As it has come to be expected, thanks to the Internet and what the libertarian website the Daily Bell calls the "Internet Reformation," individuals are stepping in where the media/propaganda outlets have failed and providing real information and investigation.

Thanks to an extremely well-researched blog post by "Mercouris" we come to understand much more about the event, the actual charges against the perpetrators, and the background and origins of this strange group of individuals whose philosophy seems to be much more akin to shock for shock's sake and nihilism than any kind political position or attraction to feminism -- though again, in the Western mainstream media they are portrayed as "feminist punk rockers," akin to a movement in the US known as "Riot Grrrls."

In fact the "group" never seems to have recorded or actually written a single song.

They do have some interesting backers in addition to the usual Western entertainers, however. As is well-documented, PR has open connections to the National Endowment for Democracy (surprise). Oksana Chelysheva, listed as the head of the group's support campaign, also happens to have been "Deputy Executive Director" of the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society, a strange pro-extremist outfit which is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy. Chelysheva also has other extensive US government ties through her leadership roles in other NED and George Soros-funded outfits like the Finnish-Russian Civic Forum and the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum.

Does Chelysheva funnel State Department money to the members of Pussy Riot through these front groups? It would not be the first time such support is covertly given to an organization seen as undermining a foreign leader viewed as out of favor with Washington.

As Mercouris points out in the above-linked article, the crime of hooliganism under Russian law, which these women are being charged with, is certainly not unique and not at all unusual in other Western countries. In Britain, for example:

Section 5(1) of the Public Order Act 1986 makes it a criminal offence for a person to use “threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour or to display any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting” to another person. Section 4A of the Public Order Act 1986 creates a further offence where the “threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour” was intentional. Section 4 of the Public Order Act 1986 creates a further offence where the “threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour” give rise to a fear of violence. All these offences are aggravated under Section 31 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 where the offender “at the time of committing the offence, or immediately before or after doing so” …”demonstrates towards the victim of the offence hostility based on the victim’s membership or presumed membership of a racial or religious group or the offence is motivated (wholly or partly) by hostility towards members of a racial or religious group based on their membership of that group”. (see also Section 28 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998) (Italics added). Penalties for these offences can range from fines to terms of imprisonment ranging from two years up to fourteen years (double that allowed by the Russian law) where there has been damage to property.

In Poland merely speaking blasphemous words in public may result in a two year prison sentence. In the United States, of course, laws against disorderly conduct and trespass are on the books in virtually every state carrying a variety of penalties including jail time.

So the offense is not uniquely punished in Putin's Russia. Let's get that out of the way.

Also seldom reported is what the women actually said while trespassing in the altar area of the church. Falsely reported as a "punk prayer to the Virgin Mary," the poem they recited was in fact grotesquely scatological and objectively disrespectful and blasphemous. It was not a prayer of any sort, and in fact was a kind of a vulgar parody of the beliefs and rituals of believers.

Does this sound like a prayer in any meaning of the word:

Holy shit, shit, Lord's shit!

Holy shit, shit, Lord's shit!

St. Maria, Virgin, become a feminist…

Patriarch Gundyaev believes in Putin

Bitch, you better believed in God

Are they feminists? Do they have a philosophy? Politics? It is debatable. The origins of the group are in the strange collective known as "Voina," which means "war" in Russian. Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, one of the defendants in the current case, was an active member of the group Voina whose actions leave one scratching one's head as to the real purpose of the group. Could any of the below-described actions be described as "feminist" in any stretch of the word:

Since its formation in presumably 2008 Voina has staged in public a succession of extreme actions described as performance art. These have included the painting of a male phallus on a St. Petersburg Bridge, the staging of a public orgy at the Timiryazev Museum in Moscow involving nudity and (apparently) full penetrative sex (Tolokonnikova was a participant though heavily pregnant), the throwing of live cats at the staff of a McDonald’s restaurant in Moscow, the overturning of police cars apparently on one occasion with a policeman inside, the firebombing of property with petrol bombs, the staged hanging of an immigrant and a homosexual in a supermarket, the projection of a skull and crossbones onto the building housing the Russian government, the spilling of large live cockroaches onto the stomach of a pregnant member of the group (Tolokonnikova again) and the theft of a frozen chicken from a supermarket, which was stuffed up the vagina of one of the women members (apparently Maria Alyokhina, Tolokonnikova apparently was also present).

Mercouris adds:

What tends to be overlooked in the mass of commentary about Voina and Pussy Riot is that their actions take place in public places within the possible sight or hearing of children. This was true of the phallus painted on the bridge, the orgy in the museum and the theft of the frozen chicken in the supermarket. Film of the last event shows a young child present though he may have been brought there by one of the group’s members.

Some defenders of the group laud the invasion of the church to spew scatological verses as an exercise in "civil disobedience." In fact that may be considered the case if any kind of clear political statement can be discerned from the actual words screamed from the altar, and if one accepts the premise that the Russian Orthodox Church is an arm of the Russian government -- which most would not accept. Indeed there is little relationship between those who resisted the unjust laws in the United States against racial minorities decades ago and those who invade a place of worship to pointedly attack aspects of that worship and the leader of that particular faith. As someone else pointed out, imagine the outrage were a skinhead group to occupy a synagogue in the US. It is certainly a far cry from sitting down at a lunch counter.

While one hesitates to applaud when an individual faces incarceration by the state, it is remarkable how little time is spent considering the rights of the targets of these protests. What about the right to go into a grocery store and not see women placing food items inside their private parts? What about the right to religious activity free of scantily clad women screaming expletives at the Lord, the Virgin Mary, and the local Patriarch? Well sadly those are not much considered by the defenders of these women in the entertainment and media industry because by and large they have long since abandoned any of these sorts of "retrograde" views and beliefs. They are members of the elite who look with scorn on babushka-wearing women who still believe in God and the Church. As from Lenin back to Robespierre back to the original rebel, the old order must be overturned in the name of freedom and progress. In their view, those who resist this inevitable march of history do not deserve to be considered. They do not count.

Topless Anti-Christian Bigot Alert!

(What an Ignatian — Reilly, I mean — pleasure it was to write that subject line!)

You probably have seen by now that the Russian feminist punks Pussy Riot got two years in the slammer for invading the Moscow cathedral and desecrating it by their obnoxious performance. That’s longer than I would have given them, and I wouldn’t have given them a minute in jail if they had done what they did outside the cathedral. But if you are going to enter a church and act like that, you had better be prepared to take the consequences. I don’t feel all that sorry for these women.

You may not have seen that a (really rather sexy) topless Ukrainian feminist and her cohorts, out of sympathy with Pussy Riot, took a chainsaw and cut down a large wooden crucifix on display in Kiev. You can watch the video

, though bear in mind that she’s topless, and this video isn’t safe for work. It is an act of shocking vandalism and anti-Christian bigotry, and, according to the feminist punks who carried it out, it was intended to be an anti-Christian statement.

Yeah, anti-Christian vandalism like this is really going to help the Pussy Riot cause in Russia and Ukraine. Idiots. To jail for you too, honey.

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Ouais bon, c'est un délire de gamine, quoi. Des vidéos comme celles-ci, il y en a des milliers sur la toile.

Franchement, après tout ce pataclès, je viens de regarder la vidéo, et ce qui m'est venu à l'esprit c'est "c'est tout ?". Je m'attendais à bien pire…

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What The Hell: ‘Satan’ Makes Portentous Appearance During Local Weather Report


edit :

Well… since some of you have asked about what appeared to be a "strange" image on our air last night…here's the deal:

Throughout late-night programming, and during those bad storms, Channel 4 was interrupting various network commercial breaks for severe weather cut-ins.

We were transitioning to one such cut-in as NBC’s Jimmy Fallon tossed to a network commercial. The half-second of images th

at aired before the cut-in started were obviously the first few frames of whatever that network commercial was going to be.

As you can tell, our control room was in the process of covering up that network break for our weather report. Perhaps a promo for NBC's Grimm? Movie trailer? Whatever the commercial was, we don't actually play out network commercials here in Nashville…. we pass them through our air and we were in the process of interrupting those network breaks for weather coverage.

You are now safe to proceed with your evening. Evil-free.

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Pour ce qui me concerne, on sait ce que je pense de ce genre de pantalonnades dans les lieux de culte. Je ne préciserai pas donc que j'aurais bien voulu voir ce que ce genre de facéties auraient donné si elles avaient eu lieu dans une mosquée ou une synagogue. M'est avis que cela n'aurait pas forcément été la même limonade.

Tiens, d'ailleurs, personne n'a jamais encore essayé.

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Arrêtez tout. Je viens de me rendre compte qu'il y a eu un gigantesque malentendu depuis de très longues années.

On a mal écouté les bobos retraités ou presque qui nous répétaient jusqu'à plus soif : "Il faut présever la planète pour les générations futures".

Ce qu'ils disaient, en fait, et qui a été mal compris par tous les intervieweurs, c'était : "il faut préserver la pleine dette pour les générations futures".

Avouez qu'on comprend beaucoup mieux.

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Arrêtez tout. Je viens de me rendre compte qu'il y a eu un gigantesque malentendu depuis de très longues années.

On a mal écouté les bobos retraités ou presque qui nous répétaient jusqu'à plus soif : "Il faut présever la planète pour les générations futures".

Ce qu'ils disaient, en fait, et qui a été mal compris par tous les intervieweurs, c'était : "il faut préserver la pleine dette pour les générations futures".

Avouez qu'on comprend beaucoup mieux.

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L'ami Varg Vikernes (qui, il paraît, se fait maintenant appeler Louis Cachet) a donné son opinion sur le libertarianisme, l'élection présidentielle et d'autres trucs :

Kel'Thuz (Poland): What do you think of libertarianism (philosophy of liberty) and would you consider it a potent ideological force against the encroachments of a global totalitarian-egalitarian despotism?

No. You know, "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions", and when you give too much freedom to modern man (a wretched, hybridized, domesticated, sub-human creature) it will always end with "Hell on Earth".

Despotism is not necessarily a bad thing. Pretty much all great architecture and art in general has been ordered by different despots. Not by "democratic" governments. What we need to crush the Zionist attempts to take over the world is extreme, totalitarian, nationalist, anti-Jewish, Pagan/European movements. We need despots, but our own despots; from our own peoples. Democracy is a hoax anyhow, so we might as well replace it with despotism.

Jorris Bigay (France): What do you think about Marine LePen's score in French elections?

Well, I am sure it would have been much better had not millions of Africans and Asians been allowed by left-wing politicians to vote in France, and had not Jews owned all the mass media in France, but it is still pretty good.

Andrey (Latvia): If there was no Norway, where would you like to live? (or where do you think you might live then).

Denmark, I guess, or Sweden. But my wife is French and all of Scandinavia will soon (relatively speaking) be covered by glaciers, so I guess France it is. The countryside in France is still white as snow, so it is a very comfortable place to live; no crime, honest people and nature everywhere.

Aleksi (Helsinki, Finland): What have you been reading lately? Can you recommend some good books you think everyone should read?

Everyone should read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", "Mein Kampf" and all the books not written by Jews about their own culture they can get their hands on. Lately I have been reading "Villmarksboka" ("The Wilderness Book") by a Sami with the name Lars Monsen.



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Le réalisateur américain Tony Scott s'est suicidé en sautant d'un pont à San Pedro (Californie, ouest), a rapporté tard dimanche la presse américaine.

Son corps a été retiré des eaux près du pont Vincent Thomas et une note écrite de sa main faisant état de son intention suicidaire a été retrouvée dans sa voiture près du pont, selon des sources policières citées par le Los Angeles Times.

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J'ai eu un nouveau billet de 10 euro dans les mains et il y a la signature de Draghi dessus, la signature de Trichet était aussi sur les anciennes versions mais c'était moins visible qu'actuellement où elle apparaît en toute lettre.

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