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Philippines, présidentielle et escadrons de la mort

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Le Monde.fr - Philippines : tout juste élu président, Rodrigo Duterte veut rétablir la peine de mort

Le dirigeant populiste veut que la peine capitale, abolie en 2006 sous la présidente Gloria Arroyo, soit rétablie pour des crimes comme le trafic de drogue, les viols, les meurtres et les vols.


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Elu le 9 mai sur un programme populiste et après avoir multiplié les propos outranciers, M. Duterte, 71 ans, a également annoncé qu’il donnerait à la police le droit de « tirer pour tuer » lors d’opérations contre des criminels et ceux qui résisteraient par la violence aux arrestations. Des militaires tireurs d’élite seront mobilisés pour tuer des criminels, a-t-il précisé.


Au cours de sa campagne électorale, M. Duterte, qui doit prêter serment le 30 juin pour un mandat de six ans, a promis d’éliminer des dizaines de milliers de criminels, suscitant l’indignation de ses opposants mais séduisant aussi des dizaines de millions de Philippins lassés de la criminalité et de la corruption.

Rodrigo Duterte, maire de Davao pendant près de deux décennies, a été accusé d’avoir entretenu des escadrons de la mort dans cette grande ville méridionale de deux millions d’habitants devenue, selon lui, l’une des plus sûres de l’archipel.

Selon des organisations des droits de l’homme, les escadrons, composés de policiers, d’ex-rebelles communistes et d’assassins, ont tué plus de mille personnes, dont des enfants et des petits délinquants.

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  • 2 months later...


In the 30 days since he took office, 35 suspected criminals have been killed every day on average on the streets of Filipino cities, either by police or by self-appointed vigilantes. That's as many dead each day as in the entire first five months of the year.

According to a Kill List maintained by The Philippine Daily Inquirer, a leading local newspaper, since he took office at least 420 people have been killed because they were suspected of being drug dealers. At least 122 were shot by unidentified hit men; the rest were killed by cops. By contrast, 39 people in total were killed between January 1, 2016 and May 8, the day before Duterte won the presidential elections.

The Philippine National Police have said that they oppose extrajudicial killings, and according to Senior Superintendent Dionardo Carlos, a spokesperson, they will be pursuing each killing as a murder. But the justice system is notoriously ineffective in the Philippines, which a recent study ranked as the country with the highest level of criminal impunity in the world, ahead of places like Mexico, Russia and Colombia. Gunmen on motorcycles continue to shoot people in public with little fear of getting caught.

And in reality, the police are remarkably cavalier about the killings.

According to police statistics, Carlos has a point. From July 2015 to July 2016, Manila has seen a 38 percent drop in total crime — but there's a twist in the numbers: drug offenses may be down, yet the data also says there's been a 57 percent rise in premeditated murder, and a staggering 125 percent increase in homicides.




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Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte warned President Barack Obama on Monday not to question him about extrajudicial killings, or "son of a bitch I will swear at you" when they meet in Laos during a regional summit. In his typical foul-mouthed style, Duterte responded: "I am a president of a sovereign state and we have long ceased to be a colony. I do not have any master except the Filipino people, nobody but nobody. You must be respectful. Do not just throw questions. Putang ina I will swear at you in that forum," he said, using the Tagalog phrase for son of a bitch.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Le Monde.fr - Le président philippin Rodrigo Duterte accusé d’avoir du sang sur les mains

Le témoignage d’un ancien membre d’un « escadron de la mort » l’accuse d’avoir éliminé des ennemis politiques, parfois de sa propre main.


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  • 2 weeks later...

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