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Images pas cool, justice sociale & steaks saignants


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en Amérique du Nord entre le XIVe et XVIIe siècle.

It's not "your" world. It's our (real) Native world.

Tiens, certains sur Twitter vivent au XIVè siècle il faut croire.

Ça veut dire qu'en tant qu'européen j'ai le droit de traiter de raciste tous ceux qui parlent de l'Inquisition, des châteaux forts et des explorateurs occidentaux ? Cool.

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Vrai truc, vrai truc... J'ai cherché 5 minutes et j'ai pas trouvé de définition à moitié claire. Et Deleuze, sans déconner ? Je demande confirmation d'un urbaniste avant de me prononcer.

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Les descriptions sur lesquelles je suis tombé sont super vagues sur ce que l'approche implique concrètement, à part que ça fait le café et que ça permet de se débarrasser de cette saloperie de rigueur méthodologique. M'enfin bon dans le fond je n'y connais rien en urbanisme donc je ne sais pas.

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"Can code with five different game designing programs" :lol:  :icon_ptdr:  :icon_ptdr:

Je crois que c'est la version SJW du célèbre Navy Seal copypasta : cmg7zmF.jpg


horseshoe theory


au debut j'y croyais pas

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Our Principles


This statement expresses our shared political perspective. If you agree with this statement, join us!



Anti-Black racism is woven in the fabric of our global society. It is an interlocking paradigm of institutions, attitudes, practices and behaviors that work to dehumanize and oppress Black people in order to benefit non-Black people, and specifically, to benefit and maintain white supremacy. When social systems are racialized by white supremacy, whiteness becomes the default of humanity and Blackness is stripped of its humanity, becoming a commodity, becoming disposable.



As an organization, we stand against capitalist notions of infinite profit, homogenized markets, and a privatized means of production. Capitalism is the economic system used to justify our oppression as Black people, both our marginalization and our exploitation. As Black people, both in the United States and abroad, we have an intimate and painful history of labor exploitation that is unrivaled throughout the world, and this labor system has evolved into wage labor slavery that further isolates us from each other and the struggle for freedom. We reject labor exploitation, privatizing natural resources, and neoliberal ideologies that fixate on the pathologies of a population as opposed to the pathologies of institutions. 

With this being said, we resist notions that “supporting Black businesses” will be our ultimate savior in our attempts to gain freedom. We cannot adopt the patriarchal, exploitative tools of our oppressors as we seek liberation. Instead, we propose a cooperative form of economics that works on shared resources and shared means of production to uplift ourselves out of poverty. What if we grow our own food? What if we make our own clothes? What if we provide housing and shelter to those who need it? How can we better use our labor to push our communities forward, and not just ourselves? These are questions we will adopt as we seek to dismantle anti-Black capitalist corporations that benefit from our oppression


On Violence

We understand that continuing to remain peaceful and encouraging others to remain peaceful at the hands of white supremacist oppressive violence is illogical and immoral. We support those who believe that nonviolence is a tactic, but we are aware that this is not the only way to dismantle the system that has humiliated, physically and literally enslaved, unjustly murdered, and continues to devalue black people in America. We will strive for liberation by any means necessary, including but not limited to: armed self-defense.

We condone whatever methods Black people adopt to liberate themselves and their kin.



Ce qu'il y a de cool avec la guerre totale façon SJW, c'est que les combattants crèveront de faim et seront à peine capables de lever leurs haches de guerre en silex, si tant est qu'ils arrivent à cesser de palabrer pour combattre.

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50 morts, ce n'est pas une explosion de violence massive (trust me). Mais ce genre de body count peut correspondre à une bouffée de violence ponctuelle, ou à une montée graduelle d'un climat violent.

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Je pensais à un scénario similaire à 1964/1965/1966/1967, avec à chaque fois une trentaine de morts, des centaines de blessés et de gros pillages.


Quand je dis "cinquante morts dans les émeutes", je suis imprécis. Je veux dire "cinquante morts par émeute". Du moins, si on reste dans un scénario semblable à celui des années 60.



Although no one was killed, 341 people were injured, 774 people were arrested and 225 stores were damaged or destroyed in the three days of rioting. Some of the tension was attributable to religion, with Black Muslims and black nationalists pitted against Black Baptist ministers who called for calm



Between 31,000 and 35,000 adults participated in the riots over the course of six days, while about 70,000 people were "sympathetic, but not active."[14] Over the six days, there were 34 deaths,[18][19] 1,032 injuries,[18][20] 3,438 arrests,[18][21] and over $40 million in property damage.[18] White Americans were fearful of the breakdown of social order in Watts, especially since white motorists were being pulled over by rioters in nearby areas and assaulted.[22] Many in the black community, however, saw the rioters as taking part in an "uprising against an oppressive system."[14] In a 1966 essay, black civil rights activist Bayard Rustin stated: "The whole point of the outbreak in Watts was that it marked the first major rebellion of Negroes against their own masochism and was carried on with the express purpose of asserting that they would no longer quietly submit to the deprivation of slum life."[23]

Those actively participating in the riots started physical fights with police, blocked firefighters of the Los Angeles Fire Department from their safety duties, or beat white motorists. Arson and looting were largely confined to white-owned stores and businesses that were said to have caused resentment in the neighborhood due to perceived unfairness.[24]



Statistics vary but it is estimated that 500 persons were injured, one man died and 465 men and women were arrested.[20] Property damage was estimated to be between $500,000 and $1 million.



By the sixth day, riots, looting, violence, and destruction ultimately left a total of 16 civilians, 8 suspects, a police officer, and a firefighter dead; 353 civilians, 214 suspects, 67 police officers, 55 firefighters, and 38 military personnel injured; and 689 civilians and 811 suspects arrested. Property damage exceeded $10 million.



Over the period of five days, the damage and human loss are calculated as follows:


43 people died: 33 were black and 10 white. 17 of the black victims were shot by white police officers.[28] Among the whites that died there was 1 Detroit police officer, 2 Detroit firefighters, and 1 Michigan Army National Guardsman. The police officer was shot by another officer while struggling with a looter, one of the firemen bumped into high voltage wires, and the second fire fighter and the guardsman were both shot in National Guard crossfire. [29]


1,189 people were injured: 407 civilians, 289 suspects, 214 Detroit police officers, 134 Detroit firefighters, 55 Michigan National Guardsmen, 67 Michigan State Police officers, 15 Wayne County Sheriff deputies, and 8 federal soldiers.


7,231 people were arrested: 6,528 adults and 703 juveniles; the youngest was 4 and the oldest was 82. Half of those arrested had no criminal record: 251 whites and 678 black. Of those arrested, 64% were accused of looting and 14% were charged with curfew violations.[30]

Economic damage

2,509 stores were looted or burned, 388 families rendered homeless or displaced and 412 buildings burned or damaged enough to be demolished. Dollar losses from arson and looting ranged from $40 million to $80 million.[31]


Et il y a encore eu des dizaines d'émeutes, apparemment.


EDIT : le but n'est pas de te contredire, je précise simplement mon propos. Je pensais, effectivement, à un climat violent se matérialisant par de nombreuses émeutes qui vont éclater ces prochaines années, je pense.

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Oui, les SJW c'est all talk, no action.

On parle d'étudiants qui vivent sur des campus universitaires déconnectés de la réalité, pas de jeunes vivants dans un ghetto et dont la violence fait partie de leur environnement quotidien.

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