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"Les Ginks évoquent ainsi de nombreuses études démographiques pour justifier leur démarche « humaniste ». Sur son blog, Lisa Hymas  cite par exemple un récent rapport élaboré par la London School of Economics (LSE) à la demande de l'Optimum Population Trust (OPT) - une ONG britannique militant pour réduire la population mondiale - qui estime que le moyen le moins coûteux de résoudre le problème du réchauffement planétaire serait de réduire la population mondiale de 500 millions d'individus d'ici 2050."



Le génocide comme stade ultime du progressisme.

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Je trouve ça plutôt courageux de leur part. :jesaispo:

Je les invite fermement à se faire stériliser, et à convaincre un maximum de SJW et gauchistes divers à suivre leur exemple. Je suis convaincu que d'ici deux ou trois générations, l'air deviendra effectivement plus respirable grâce à cette démarche :mrgreen:

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Questions alacon :

* Le loyer est-il bon marché ?

* La personne est-elle propriétaire ?


Si la réponse aux deux questions est oui, je dirais "circulez, y'a rien à voir".


On peut regretter que ce type de post soit socialement plus accepté que "Looking for roomate. Clean credit record and skin non optional", mais pour le reste, on a une sale pute SJW personne aux affinités sociales tribales qui tout en faisant l'apologie de la différence souhaite que sa roommate soit grosso modo un clone d'elle même, en un peu peu moins bien (person who love pets+no additional pets).

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le WTF s'accroit:




Trans Woman Lives Her Life as a Six Year Old Girl
“After 23 years of marriage and 7 kids, Stefonknee Wolscht realized she was a transgender woman. But the rejection from her family and friends left her feeling alone and suicidal. That was until the day she realized she could find love and acceptance as a six year old girl. This is part 4 of our 4 part series exploring the lives of transgender Canadians from the website

This video was funded by the Canadian government:

“Canada’s leading public affairs network has launched The Transgender Project, a new website dedicated to exploring the discrimination facing transgender Canadians.

The site, will host a series of webisodes that tell us the compelling personal stories of 13 transgender individuals. The first three have been posted today, and a new one will be added each week during the summer.

Other features on the site include a series of photo essays, and a wealth of information resources related to transgender rights and terminology.

The Transgender Project will also feature a full-length documentary about discrimination against transgender people in Canada. According to research compiled by the Trans PULSE Project, transgender Canadians encounter many different forms of discrimination: approximately 40% have been turned down for a job, and more than a quarter have been physically assaulted.

The documentary will be broadcast nationally on iChannel this fall.

The Transgender Project’s Senior Producer Kevin O’Keefe says: “It’s a privilege to be able to share these powerful stories of strength, courage and determination that will resonate with anyone trying to lead an authentic life. While these stories don’t shy away from the challenges many Trans Canadians face, we also celebrate the amazing resilience they have to simply be themselves.”

The Transgender Project was produced with the support of the Canada Media Fund.”

This guy is an old man who does non-consensual age play with actual children and abandoned his own family to pursue his fetish, why would anyone want to use him as an advocate for trans rights?



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encore un peu lol

Toronto police say they are concerned for the safety of a missing woman who was last seen in the area of Church and Wellesley streets on Sunday.

According to police, 52-year-old Stefonknee Wolscht was last spotted in the downtown neighbourhood at around 12:30 p.m.

Police say she is six-foot-four and is about 270 pounds with medium length, blonde hair and glasses.

Anyone with information about her whereabouts is asked to call 416-808-5100.



elle disparait et est en danger, a part ca elle fait deux metres  et cent trente kilos  :icon_ptdr:




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