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Y'a quand même un gros problème pour planter des buts du côté parisien. Quand on regarde le barca, des 6-0 en pagaille, le bayern qui en plante 8 ce WE.... 


Tiens regardons les stats :


1 - Real : 3,1 but/match

2 - Barca : 2,8

3 - Bayern : 2,5

4 - Chelsea : 2,2 


9 - Lyon : 1,9


17 - Paris 1,6


Avec un tel effectif, c'est pas bon...



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Paris a bien joué et peut espérer une qualification miraculeuse sur un 2-2 mais je n'y crois pas trop.


La naiveté absolue c'est d'imaginer que le match retour va ressembler, point par point, au match aller et d'en tirer un pronostic.

Il y en a qui croient que dans trois semaines, Chelsea aura 2 occasions et le PSG une quinzaine :icon_ptdr:

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Pour une fois Glandon ne dit pas une connerie. Hier soir à la radio j'entendais encore les mêmes qu'il y a un an qui disaient que Paris passerait parce qu'ils méritaient hier soir.

Mourinho qui jouit d'une réputation de fin tacticien s'est déjà souvent trompé dans sa carrière comme tout le monde. Et hier il s'est trompé -si si, malgré ce que dit le résultat- en surestimant le potentiel de son milieu de terrain dont il alignait exactement les mêmes joueurs ensemble seulement pour la 3ème fois de la saison.

Mais jamais Mourinho ne s'est trompé deux fois de suite.


Y'a quand même un gros problème pour planter des buts du côté parisien. Quand on regarde le barca, des 6-0 en pagaille, le bayern qui en plante 8 ce WE.... 


Tiens regardons les stats :


1 - Real : 3,1 but/match

2 - Barca : 2,8

3 - Bayern : 2,5

4 - Chelsea : 2,2 


9 - Lyon : 1,9


17 - Paris 1,6


Avec un tel effectif, c'est pas bon...


Tiens tiens intéressant. Une équipe comme Chelsea que l'on dépeint comme défensive se situe en 4 ème position.

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Incident raciste : une enquête ouverte par la justice française
La justice française a ouvert une enquête pour «violences volontaires en raison de la race dans un moyen de transport collectif», a-t-elle annoncé mercredi, en réaction à l'incident provoqué par les supporters de Chelsea dans le métro parisien.
Au lendemain de l'incident provoqué par les fans de Chelsea dans le métro parisien, la justice française a ouvert une enquête pour «violences volontaires en raison de la race dans un moyen de transport collectif», a annoncé une source judiciaire, ce mercredi. Les investigations ont été confiées au Service transversal d'agglomération des événements (STADE), un service de la préfecture de police de Paris spécialisé dans les débordements lors d'événements sportifs.
Mardi après-midi, avant le huitième de finale aller de Ligue des champions entre le PSG et le club londonien (1-1), un groupe de supporters des Blues avait été filmé en train de repousser violemment un homme noir tentant de monter dans le wagon. «Nous sommes racistes, nous sommes racistes et on aime ça», avaient ensuite chanté les individus encore non-identifiés mais pourraient bientôt devoir répondre de leurs actes. (Avec AFP)


Dès que les supporters anglais sortent de leur île, ils ne savent pas se tenir. C'est réccurent.

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Chelsea, c'est pas censé être le club un peu bourgeois de Londres ? Pas que ça empêche d'avoir des cons comme supporters, mais ils ont l'air d'être bien garnis selon L'Equipe (2e total d'interdiction de stades pour faits racistes).


Chelsea c'est aussi le club des Headhunters.



The Chelsea Headhunters are an English football hooligan firm linked to the London football club Chelsea.[1]

There was widespread racism amongst the gang and links to various white supremacist organisations, such as Combat 18 and the National Front. The gang also became affiliated with Northern Irish loyalist paramilitary organisations, such as the Ulster Defence Association and Ulster Volunteer Force.[1]

They were infiltrated by investigative reporter Donal MacIntyre for a documentary screened on the BBC on 9 November 1999, in which MacIntyre posed as a wannabe-member of the Chelsea Headhunters. He had a Chelsea tattoo applied to himself for authenticity, although the hardcore were surprised he chose the hated "Millwall lion" badge rather than the 1960s Chelsea erect lion one. He confirmed the racism in the Headhunters and their links to Combat 18, including one top-ranking member who had been imprisoned on one occasion for possession of material related to the Ku Klux Klan.[2] The programme led to arrests and several convictions. One member of the Headhunters, Jason Marriner who was convicted and sent to prison as a result of the show, has since written a book, "Stitch-Up For a Blue Sole", claiming to have been set up by MacIntyre and the BBC. He claims that footage was manipulated to show him wiping out a small village and 'incidents' were manufactured and they were convicted despite having no footage of them committing crimes.[3]

Nick Love's film The Football Factory presented the Headhunters in a fictionalized account.[4] The film focuses mainly on the firm's violent rivalry with the Millwall Bushwackers. Jason Marriner was the subject of a DVD release 'Jason Marriner - Football Hooligan' directed by Liam Galvin (Gangster Videos).

Kevin Whitton, a high-profile member of the firm, was sentenced to life imprisonment on 8 November 1985 for violent assault after being found guilty of involvement in an attack on a pub on Kings Road, which was described as being some[clarification needed] of the worst incidents of football hooliganism ever witnessed in England. After Chelsea lost a match, Whitton and other hooligans stormed into the pub, chanting "War! War! War!". When they left a few minutes later, with one of them shouting, "You bloody Americans! Coming here taking our jobs", the bar's American manager, 29-year-old Neil Hansen, was lying on the floor, close to death.[5] Whitton's sentence was cut to three years on appeal on 19 May 1986.[6] The fan responsible for the actual assault, Wandsworth man Terence Matthews (aged 25 at the time), was arrested shortly after Whitton's conviction and remanded in custody to await trial. He was found guilty of taking part in the violence on 13 October 1986 and sentenced to four years in prison.[7] Matthews came to the public attention again in June 2002 when he and his 21-year-old son William received two-year prison sentences after they and another man were convicted of assaulting two police officers in Morden, Surrey.[8]

A more recent incident involving the Headhunters occurred on 13 February 2010, when members of the firm clashed[clarification needed] with the Cardiff City Soul Crew at the FA Cup fifth-round tie at Stamford Bridge. On 25 March 2011, 24 people were convicted of taking part in the violence, which resulted in several people being injured (including a police officer whose jaw was broken) at Isleworth Crown Court. All of those convicted received banning orders from all football grounds in England and Wales ranging from three years to eight years. Eighteen of them received prison sentences of up to two years.[9]

Headhunters were involved in disturbances in Paris before a champions league quarter final between PSG and Chelsea on 2 April 2014. Around 300 hooligans were involved in pre planned violence around the city, with hardcore hooligans having avoided police detection by entering France via Belgium.

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Chelsea, c'est pas censé être le club un peu bourgeois de Londres ? Pas que ça empêche d'avoir des cons comme supporters, mais ils ont l'air d'être bien garnis selon L'Equipe (2e total d'interdiction de stades pour faits racistes).

Kensington&Chelsea c’est assez bourge maintenant, mais ça n’a pas toujours été le cas. C’était plutôt mal famé, fut un temps - et il y a quelques menus restes de cette époque.
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Kensington&Chelsea c’est assez bourge maintenant, mais ça n’a pas toujours été le cas. C’était plutôt mal famé, fut un temps - et il y a quelques menus restes de cette époque.

J'ai habité à 200m de Stamford bridge.


Il y avait des logements types sociaux pas loin du tout. Les quartiers à l'Ouest du stade sont prospères, à l'Est il y avait beaucoup du pas cher voire minable.


La "high street" la plus proche, North End Road, c'était vraiment magasins discounts, solderies, faces blèmes et coupes de cheveux de prols. 


Je vous parle d'un temps que les moins de 20 ans...


C'était le club le plus sensible côté hooligans à l'époque.

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Stamford bridge n'est pas dans le quartier huppé et bobos riches de Chelsea, mais dans le quartier voisin de Fulham me semble-t-il.

Ca m'avait paru très anonyme comme quartier, peu de choses à voir et pas huppé du tout.

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Chelsea fan in Paris Métro video posed in picture with Nigel Farage

Josh Parsons, identified as one of the fans filmed on a Paris Métro train ahead of the Chelsea - PSG match, is allegedly a ‘vocal’ Ukip supporter

Chelsea fan Josh Parsons with Nigel Farage.

Elena Cresci and Shiv Malik


Thursday 19 February 2015 11.22 GMT Last modified on Thursday 19 February 2015 11.59 GMT

A Chelsea fan filmed while racist chants were shouted on the Paris Métro was a “vocal” supporter of Ukip, even posing with the party’s leader, Nigel Farage.

A photo posted by season ticket holder Josh Parsons on his Instagram account around four months ago shows Farage, drink in hand, next to the 21-year-old named as one of the Chelsea fans on the Paris subway. The caption underneath the photo reads: “UKIP BOYS! What a geezer.”

Parsons has since taken down his Instagram account, as well as his Facebook and Twitter profiles, after he was named by a number of sources as appearing in the video published by the Guardian on Tuesday.

339.jpgChelsea fan Josh Parsons, who appeared in the video of the Paris Métro, pictured with Nigel Farage on Parson’s now-deleted Instagram profile. Photograph: josh22cfc/Instragram

Ukip has told the Guardian that Parsons is not a member of the party and that it had “never heard of him”, adding that the photo was taken outside a London pub.

In a statement, the party’s head of press, Gawain Towler, said: “Mr Farage is photographed with and by dozens of people, both by supporters and opponents on a daily basis.

“Ukip and Mr Farage find the behaviour of the suspected Chelsea fans on the Paris Métro to be disgraceful, and shames both the country and Chelsea football club.

“We are delighted that the identities of these people are being revealed, and that they will face the full force of the law.”

Wearing a black hooded jacket, Parsons can be seen in the Paris video after those around him appear to have chanted: “We’re racist, we’re racist and that’s the way we like it.”

It is unclear from the video whether Parsons was among those chanting or remonstrating with a black commuter, who had been earlier pushed from a carriage.

One former schoolmate, who did not wished to be named, said Parsons and his younger brother Beno, who he believes was in the same Paris Métro carriage as Josh on Tuesday night, were well known Ukip supporters during their time at Millfield private school over a year-and-a-half ago.

The boarding school, based in Street, Somerset, charges fees of £30,000 a year.

“I was never really friends with them. The interesting thing was they were very strong Ukip supporters,” the schoolmate told the Guardian.

He said both brothers were part of a very small but “vocal” Ukip crowd at the school.

“They were ... only about four or five people but they made themselves heard. They were never aggressive, they were never forcing it down your throat ... but you were left with no illusions looking at their social media that they were a) Chelsea fans and Ukip supporters.”

He said he “despised” racism and described the actions on the film as appalling, adding that it in no way represented the views of most people at his former school.

Mitchell McCoy, a 17-year-old Chelsea fan who was also on the train, has spoken to a number of media outlets defending the incident, claiming there was no racism involved. He told LBC: “The carriage was full up, there was no room for him to get on and he tried to force himself on. He was really aggressive, pushing himself. I’d say it was self defence, pushing him off.”

Asked whether the pushing and chanting were connected, he said: “No of course it wasn’t connected. The press are trying to make something out of nothing.”

At the time of the incident, McCoy sent a number of tweets which he later deleted, including one which read: “Our captain is a racist a racist a racist and that is why we love him we love him we love him.” In replies to other tweeters, he claimed people in the video were his friends and that the fans weren’t “letting white people on either”.

cd2ea6f3-14fc-448c-8ee3-17f6b70df0af-besA tweet Mitchell McCoy sent after the Chelsea - PSG match. McCoy says he was not involved in the incident on the Paris Métro. Photograph: Screenshot/Twitter

McCoy was unavailable for comment.

On Wednesday, Chelsea condemned the supporters involved and said their behaviour was “abhorrent and has no place in football or society”. The club added they were supporting any criminal action against the fans involved.

The man pushed from the train gave an interview to Le Parisien, published on Thursday morning. Named only as Souleymane S, he said he “understood very well that they were targeting me because of the colour of my skin”.

He added: “These people, these English fans should be found, punished and locked up. What happened should not go unpunished.”

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Pour avoir bossé avec des indiens, si vous voulez les lancer, abordez le sujet du criquet.


(Et observez leurs têtes quand vous introduisez un nouveau collègue en le présentant comme "le plus grand fan français de l'équipe de criquet du Pakistan" , hinhin)

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